Duel (DM6)
Rating: 4.8 (286 votes)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3
Wed 13 August 2003 on XS4ALL Clanwars
ping pl frags name Kills Deaths RA GA
111 0 11 animalboy 11 7 9 11
78 2 7 pingbot 7 11 18 3
28 0 spec envi the enforcer 0 0 0 0
265 6 spec kK 0 0 0 0
65 1 spec mIXu 0 0 0 0
42 1 spec rob 0 0 0 0
54 0 spec G_SPOT 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Frag Streak 5 animalboy
Spawn Fragger 2 animalboy
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 03:12
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 03:14
yeh, what animalboy forgets to mention is, 1. im rusty as fuck (he wouldnt know that i guess), and 2. hes using wallhack.

Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 03:17
i still forgot to mention, 1. im rusty as fuck (yeah, me too), and 2, ur way2ez4chtv
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 03:21
ive uploaded a simple wallhack client which can play mvd's up temporarily at http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~doomgod/crap/demogl_mvd.zip

just run it, type r_fullbrightskins 1 , and then play the mvd demo. watch animalboy's pov.. and note his tactics, should be easy to see with the wallhack that he uses one.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 03:37
heh , i dunno man , anm has been my good friend even before he moved to america , i dont think he would cheat , hes a pretty respectable guy , but then on the other hand i know that koopa is no newbie , and is probably one of the most repected qw players around , besides myself of course , and if he and the rest of #nd is making accuasations then it could be somewhat valid , but im on anm's side here , i havent seen the demo stuff yet , but i watch anm play quake/quake3 EVERYDAY , and i play him in quake/quake3 EVERYDAY , like 4 or 5 times an hour :) so i dunno i think u guys are just overreacting :)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 04:49
just to make me clear, 1st of all, i didnt want trouble with nobody, i dont even play qw anymore, just when im really bored and i dont have nothing better to do. i never used cheats in my life, go ask any brasilian qw player about my quake history.

i really dont need to prove nothing to anything cause i wasnt really using shit, but if u already started all this bs lets try. if u guys really think my game is at the level of someone that is really using wallhack, cause i dont 1v1 for a long time. anyone without beeing a newbie and dumb would predict the moves as i did, so if u dont have any predict skillz gtfo.

koopa u asked me why i dont play with sw mode, i told you and you didnt want to believe so i cant do shit, i already told u that my mouse keeps freezing and doenst work well in sw mode, this is some priority frmo the windows shit, i had a cmd line but i formated the computer and i lost, and i dont play qw anymore i just didnt bother and when i want to play i play with gl.

if u still think im a cheat gtfo and ask any brasilian dude that lan with me.

go ask any brasilian top player about my skills and stfu, cause the lame in the history here is only you and your friends!

fuck off haterz, animalboy
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 04:51
b4 i forget, i know my english sucks, so dont come bs me about my english issues :)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 05:03
yeah but these brazillian top players ur talking about, are they sitting behind you when youre playing?

same thing happened with fm1.moose, i said he cheated, he said he never cheated in his life, all his friends supported him at first, then mushi hacked his pc and found loads of cheat shit, WELL PLAYED MOOSE.

so. matrix came up with a good solution for this opengl wallhack (which cant be detected by f_version etc).. either 1. play with someone sitting behind you who says you are not cheating, or 2. put your webcam (we know you got one, you made a rap video with it..) on behind you while you play me, so we can see if you use wh or not during games.. then upload it after the games.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 05:07
oh, and same thing happened with DooM as well.

watch doom vs paradoks (its on at http://www.challenge-tv.com/index.php?mode=demodetail&demo=14640 ) with this wallhack client, dooms pov, at about 3 mins into the game, he spots para coming in to ra from below.. its really funny with wallhack client, watching dooms mouse movements..

ive never wrongly accused anyone of wallhack yet.. and im sure that animalboy uses one.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 05:10
oh yeah, convenient how his mouse "doesnt work in software because of priority shit" now, at first he said software just didnt run on his system, then it was his mouse totally did not work in software, and now its "the mouse sometimes fucks up in software".

fucking retard
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 05:14
oh by the way, comparing to doom demo is kindof pointless for animalboy, cos doom did not know that he was going to be scrutinised about wallhack, animalboy knew already cos one of the specs had been watching a 2v2 we played before, and said animalboy was using a wallhack.. so i said lemme 1v1 him then ill know for sure..
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 05:29
this is prolly the bot that bullet was using when they played us. i am not sure if anm cheat but in this demo it doesn't look like he did. how can u stop the cheaters fag from using this tho?
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 08:19
uhm does this client have valid f_version ?
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 08:41
i played against animalboy when he was here in brazil by 2 years now (sice i started with qw)and i seriously doubt that he uses anything
imo he's a regular player and thats all
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 09:28
Animalboy rox...
animal we in brazil still loving you!

Come back soon, so we cant defeat the suckers we have here too! :)

*AnM*Imps, a natural bot.
Leader of *Animaniacs Quake Clan*
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 09:32
Ops, not cant...

*AnM*Imps, animal is a traitor! He uses maphack and never sent to me! IM GONNA CRY! :,-(
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 10:17
Some people can't stand losing. Accusing everyone who beats them as a cheater is the easiest way of dealing with it.

I watched the demo with the cheatclient for a few minutes and didn't notice it to be that strange. And your friend hacked into his comp and found a lot of cheats? Well, that's saying a lot, i'm sure...
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 11:19
Lol Koopa all that because you`ve lost a game ? What a kiddie ... Of course he wasnt cheating ffs ..
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 11:20
doesnt look like he is using any wallhacks to me...

sorry koopz.

he is often spamming the wrong place and looking wrong place...
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 11:49
The only evidence for this "wallhack" is that animalboy won!

"Teh commandoau" is not a very gracious loser. :)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 12:55
ser, he knew before the games that we(+the specs) thought he was using wallhack (from the 2v2's).. so he tried to look as if he didnt by spamming when he knew he was safe anyway. and making a big show about "looking" at the sides every time he came to centre-top from ga.

andy, lots of ppl have beaten me before, i never accuse them of wallhack.. only ppl ive accused so far has been DooM (doom vs para), fm1.moose (screenshot taken from moose's PC is availiable here: http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~doomgod/fuhquake059.jpg )

def.. its hard to tell youre watching a wallhacker unless you know what to look for, paradoks played doom and didnt even know he was hacking till i saw dooms pov with wallhack. luckily doom did not expect people to suspect him of wallhack so he used it full-force.

why wont animalboy play me in software with qizmo? he keeps changing his story about that, i know glquake players find it hard to play in software (im a glquake player myself) but the real reason is that in software animalboys lack of tactics could be easily seen, cos he lost wallhack.

setup your webcam behind your screen animalboy, record while playing me, and then after the game upload the avi. either that, or go to a lan where people can see you playing
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 13:08
ok that was a little 2facil
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 13:20
INSA $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
pulse _I_
teta... ioaehaoiehiuhe animalboy CHEATER?
koopa, go training more plz, and after you come speak something....
you should learn how to loose :(
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 13:22
obviously wallhacked...

The most obvious part was when anm stands at gl and shoots nails into nothing. Then koopa walks underneath, anm could never have known.
He doesn't stop the shooting however, but he moves backwards a few times...
That would be VERY pointless...unless...use the provided client to see that that every move he makes is to keep koopa in his "pov".

But there were other's aswell, most of them in the end.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 13:25
Camping Gaz
no questionable stuff i could see.
the few moments i thought could be weird were not anymore afterthought.
koopa, i think you were too much concentrated on actively checking whether he's using a bot or not to win that game ;).
but, i still have to watch the other games (picked up this one first because of the numerous comments!)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 13:29
well koopa... ide have to say that i dont think anm cheated in this game. although anm, devious, and slik have joined the #1 qwca cheating clan in north america (mafia), and i have seen some funky things from them lately, this demo doesnt show it. next time you see devious using mqwcl, type /fpslist to see his maxfps up to 1000 while his average is 77 and his min is 72 (how is this possible?).

as you know, i made an avi of cloud9 cheating vs me on dm6 (i also have a dm4 game where he does funky shots but it slipped my mind when making that short avi). cloud9 is the clan leader of mafia. his clan has been caught cheating so many times now that i dont think there is a point to tallying it up, we know they are faggots either way. we (acid, def, and i) have been doing all we can to keep slik/devious banned from most of the north american ktpro servers (currently we have them gone from gamingmoose and googles servers). i REALLY wish that this demo did show evidence that anm was cheating, because ginzberg says he will not ban these faggots until he has proof, even if 99% of the usa qw community is completely against them (which is about true).

also, imo, the only client that you can trust is a software fuhquake client. mafia has hacked qizmo for one of their linux users that couldnt take 92% speed (got him up to 100%). mqw has been hacked numerous times (by mafia as well, see the devious mention i have above) and cannot be trusted. there are opengl32.dll hacks that let you see through walls with gl fuhquake and the clients show up 100% legit. not cool at all. if anyone knows of a fuhquake software hack, please do tell.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 13:43
that is true anm is one of the lamest clan that ever exist in USA (Mafia) who have been cut cheating alot times and i still wonder they havn't been banned from sta-ca tournament. in this demo tho i didn't see that anm cheated.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 13:44
While I cannot for definate if animalboy is using a wallhack for sure, there are some fairly suspect parts as dyna pointed out, where Koopa was kept in the spotlight for no obvious reason, through walls and all.

I think however, that these MVD wallhack-test's can also be mis-interpretated. This is because the qw client wont actually recieve the positions of half of what the other player is doing, not until they're relatively close. Yet the MVD demos always have all the player positions made available. If you catch my drift.

I can also vouch for sam not playing well, as he is someone who normally dishes out a fair bit of rape to me on dm4 normally, but has not been the case in our one game recently. Sure he might not be playing crap by any standard, but he isn't playing well by his standard.

Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 13:47
Oh yeah I just thought id mention, for someone on a 100ping he seemed a bit to confident at times. If I was playing on that kind of ping Id be far more cautious. Sometimes he walks into areas without even checking to see if Koopa is around. One instance of this is where he comes through the tunnel to get RL ammo and isnt even looking to see if Koopa might be waiting at the cells.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 14:12
hey guys that guy cheats open you're eyes =)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 14:14
Anyone feel like demo_jumping to all of the spots that you think show his cheats? I did see one or two questionable parts, but it didnt seem worth fighting for.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 14:22
kovaak you're so fkn rped dude , ur faggoty ass and the rest of ur homosexual bandits cant even come on irc anymore because ur a little 2ez , to be quite honest with you , i dont cheat , i think the fps shit or whatever is a misunderstanding , but to be quite honest , if i knew how to wallhack i probably would , i would use it in ca , usually , cheating to me takes out all the fun of the game , but qw isnt fun to me anymore , and so many people do cheat now , and now i feel as though being a lamergamer cheater wouldnt make much diff to me , so koopa send me the wallhack u were using last night , cause i wanna redefine ez with all the faggots in ca , $$$$$? so banning me from googles for no reason was pretty retarded. stfu you overweight faggot
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 14:22
i havent watch the demo but i think koopa isnt someone who would seriously accuse someone of cheating just because he loose... im not saying i think animalboy cheated but i just think that koopa thinks so :) and maybe he is
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 14:26
Let me first remind all of you that most of the people who have been caught using wallhacks, only used it once (publically) -- the one time they were caught that is. And most of them were caught not by their spam shots, but by the little mistakes they made -- looking through a wall on multiple occasions, or sitting still for 20 seconds and scoring a direct off the first rocket without seeing the enemy, on multiple occasions, etc.

As I watched this demo, both povs (without any "seethru" demo clients -- those just make you *think* that the guy is wallhacking) I took note of some possible "mistakes" animalboy made. However, the fact that animalboy is quite a talented qw'er, gives me doubt in calling him a cheater. The fact that animalboy has been in quite a company in the immediate past (maf groupies), and the fact that koopa is no less a talented qw'er (I would even say more so), gives me doubt in NOT calling animalboy a cheater...

I will say that although 95% of the demo looks quite legit, thet other 5% looks quite suspicious.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 14:33
(wallhacks slash spechacks slash etc)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 14:36
OK I watched this again and I take back what I said earlier....it probably is a bit harsh to say koopa is just being a bad loser. The way he suddenly came out with all of the wallhack accusations suggest that he'd spent most of the game getting worked up about the wallhack he was convinced animalboy was using.

Still not convinced there's any hacking going on though...

But if there is actually a wallhack which can beat f_modified - surely all you TDM league people might want to look into it? :D
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 14:43
rev, the opengl driver wallhack which kovaak mentioned (which is the one that doom and moose used, btw) passes thru all f_checks undetected.. it is not a client hack, it is a driver hack, so it even works in q3, cs, etc. - any game that uses opengl.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 14:45
Camping Gaz
KovaaK : AFAIK, fps is clientside limited to ~72 fps (or ~85 on some servers). The masimum fps is communicated by the server to the client, then if client has actual fps above that he gets kicked, ok. Now cl_maxfps can be set to 1000 and still your client (say mqw) won't let it go above the server setting.

That was not exactly the topic here but i though i would give my two cents.

So, is he cheating or not? :)

PS. as for me IF he's cheating this makes koopa a cheat-worthy opponent. something he can be proud of, i would ;).
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 14:45
i can put up the proper opengl driver wallhack if you want.. but i dunno if its a good idea.. as there is no way to test for it using f_checks yet.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 14:46
dvs http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~doomgod/demogl_mvd.zip k $$$
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 14:48
Koovak 99% of Na qw community = 7 ppl ? ;<
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 14:48
oops, wrong url

its kindof buggy though, and you cant see rockets/grenades behind walls (which is really annoying), but it works
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 14:49
poland has less dm servers than usa. case closed.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 14:49
phil you moron , you dont know shit from shinola , hell you dont even know how to play dm , or any other game that people give 2 anal expulsions about. shutup and go outside , every demo has a comment from you in it , i rpe u nwb.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 14:50
OK I think I get it now. That's why you're claiming he refuses to use SW, with a dodgy excuse about his mouse not working - because the hack would only work in GL?

Anyway I wouldn't bother with this...you've already written about 15 posts on this thread! I mean who cares....if he cheats, he cheats. Besides, I think animalboy can be forgiven anything after that rap video. :)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 14:52
oh yeah, ewdafa posted something clever there (haha ed. nice :D )

in the mvd, using wallhack, you can always see where the enemy is, because the mvd contains the player position for BOTH players at all times..

if u use wallhack in a real game though, sometimes you cant see where the enemy is, only when he is close to you.. animalboy should post up some .qwd's of his games instead of .mvd's, so then we can see what he see's, not what the server sees
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 14:54
the two specs, who has been specing 5+ games, after every single game kept saying wh, "i have my eye on you" etc. They knew straight away after first game, that he was wallhacking. Another point, 1 week ago, animalboy was accused of cheating in both 3on3's and 2on2's... f_modified reported fuhquake not having security dll... but when asked to install it adn reconnect, animalboy would'nt. gg
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 15:01
Koopa, please! You're NOT doing yourself a favour with this discussion :).

That averment in the 11th posting for example.. how lol? Did you ever heard anyone say that his PC does not run, although it was just his OS or the gxf card that was not working? I guess the his OS is XP and while using -dibonly you can get serious mouse probs on some configurations -- e.g. like mine.

Then, the "he-did-not-cheat" vs. "he-did-cheat" counter is summin' like 20:1.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 15:03
sam, please do NOT post an opengl hack.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 15:23
yea plz dont post that hack.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 15:25
Camping Gaz - notice i said his max fps was 1000 whereas his average was "76". ktpro kicks people whenever the average, not max, fps goes over that number. im not sure how many samples ktpro keeps when it determines average, but wouldn't a number like 1000 potentially put it higher than 77? i dont know how ktpro's checking works at all, maybe there is some workaround hack for it so it considers the average fps to always be 77 that mafia figured out.

regardless, it would be a horribly dumb idea to post the opengl32.dll hack here. and i am having my doubts about whether or not anm cheated in this game or not, it was just on my first view of the demo that he didnt appear to be cheating.

"Then, the 'he-did-not-cheat' vs. 'he-did-cheat' counter is summin' like 20:1." - pattah

seems like quite an overstatement... plus you arent taking into account the people who are undecided.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 15:28
pattah, fine, what is wrong with the webcam method though?
we know animalboy has a webcam, i have a feeling its going to mysteriously "not work when hes playing quake" for some reason so he cant record any games on his webcam while hes playing them
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 15:46
koopa koopa koopa.. duck duck duck..


animalzao bohte =*

kooopa duckkk


Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 15:47
Animal, isthe koopa the best one around?
Cause here in Brazil only the top players cries when lose... it seems hes a top too...
if he iss
gg animalboy... you rox my kid

*AnM*Impulso!, that know him in person and play with him on lans.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 15:48
xhrl has more comments than me, and i dont even think he plays qw anymore. so stfu devious. go back to q3.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 15:52
lol no im not the best dm6 around.. and i dont cry when i lose, only if i lose to wallhack :>
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 15:57
so stfu koopa,

why u are standing here crying? :]
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:00
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:03
funny as ur lost game and ur tears
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:03
*AnM* AnimalBoy
ok, just woke up

#49, yeah it really was without the security, i was using the build 425 or something and i download the 450 security and didnt work, but i already updated the fuhquake to build 450, and as i showed u "all models ok!"

about the clan mafia, i really didnt know about their fame, i just joined cause some ppls asked me to, and i didnt have any good motive to dont join them.

i dont need any wallhack to own u koopa, at least on dm6, get any other demo mine here in chtv, i prolly wasnt using gl and just compare, u will see i do the same shit

if someone wants the 2v2 that i played b4 these 1v1 be free to ask, the only thing u will see is koopa getting rped by a 110 ping @ dm2 and dm6

koopa, one word to u, frustraded, i really had respect for ur person and ur game, but now u just proved that u are one more of these newbies that cant have success in ur life (that is quake), go get a life and stop trying to make trouble with other people lifes

i would put the webcam or try to fix my sw but ur just acted like a pussy, and seems that u and ur 4 friends that were yesterday on the server are the only ones that think im cheat, def (not us def) go suck a big fat black cock ur fkn looser, only cause u get woojed everytime i play in euro against ur ping 20 u get sad dont go telling everyone im cheat, cause the problem is that u suck! cocksucker

koopa u are just shit to me now! go play more asshole
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:06
"i prolly wasnt using gl" - lol
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:08
"if someone wants the 2v2 that i played b4 these 1v1 be free to ask"

hey animalboy, send me the 2v2s that you played before this. upload them. .qwd or .qwz if u have them.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:08
yeah dude, i prolly wasnt, i dont really care if im using gl or not, i still rape u anyways fkn lamer, seems like ur just burning ur self and not me loser...
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:09
i think without wallhack you would get owned animalboy :>
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:10
go irc and i send u newb
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:11
ye , anm joined mafia because i asked him too , :P? , phil , xhrl is actually smart , doesnt post comments on every demo , actually has a POINT to posting , and isnt fucking lol like urself. you post to EVERYDEMO , the only point being to insult someone , then cover it up with some lol compliment like chris said , and you are most likely one of most hated players in ca , and above all , you are fucking lol , shutup fucking cock muffin , you are too lollerskates for chtv k
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:11
*AnM* Zip
danm koopa, for the last time, stop crying :D
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:11
"only cause u get woojed everytime i play in euro against ur ping 20"

but animalboy, he just posted some more duels in europe....dm4 you gave up after 2 minutes...dm6 the only frags you could get were telefrags!

but you mime very nicely so i'll shut up there :)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:11
upload the 2v2's

especially the one where u and <some guy you dont know> played vs rob and mixu
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:12
anm - why attack def?

"I've watched the demo both from the (hacked) client provided above and regular Fuhquake. I have not seen animalboy perform any questionable prediction shots, pre-aiming maneuvers, or evasive tactics. It is my opinion that he did not cheat. I welcome anyone else to watch the demos and post their thoughts. " - def

Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:15
yeah koovak, in the retarded one, "def (not us def)" if u didnt read have a euro def

and is fustrated not frustraded :(
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:16
*AnM* Zip
its looking like a real time chat..

animal, pq vc nao ta no icq seu fdp? :[]
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:16
he has never played me in any games other than the ones i uploaded (where he gave up, which was a month ago, on a uk server) , and these 2 dm6 games we played last night on .nl server.. btw 110 ping + wallhack vs 80 ping + rusty, and winning by about 5 frags, is not a rape

him and some guy (who he doesnt know, and who wasnt cheating) played vs me and mixu in 2v2 on dm2 and dm6 last night as well, before the duels. those are the demos id like to see, his pov
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:17
What is wrong with the webcam method? Well, what puts you in the position to demand anything? Where I live you're unguilty unless someone proves you aren't not the other way around.

Oh and what I also would like to point out: Hacking into someone's PC is a criminal act. Cheating in stupid PC games isn't.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:19
koopa, i already sent u the demos, so dont cry baby
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:20
and koopa, ur lucky i was rusty too, cause if i didnt it would be 15 vs 0
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:23
animalboy - rematch with the webcam recording your pov ??
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:24
#68... thats funny cause, while everybody actually DOES hate you (in qw AND cpm), I don't even CARE who hates me online. so stfu.

andy.... hacking into someones pc is criminal yet it gets done all the time so what are you going t odo. cheating same thing.. not much gets done :(
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:31
the thing is phil , i dont suck , i fucking rpe you and you're baby momma bitch , 1v1 anymap , cpma or qw , i will fucking redefine ez with ur laff and a half ass you fucking smart alleck , i rpe nwbs $$$ far2ez4chtv k , just like this demo , its literally 2ez4chtv k
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:32
what an inbred

anyway, grudge match -- good idea! with webcams of course
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:39
you might want to reconsider, phil. he might be lol but i'm pretty sure he'll destroy you on any map in any game.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 16:53
my fault anm
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 17:03
Reconsider what nate? what have I considered in my statements above, that I should "re" consider? Hmm? Skill has nothing to do with this discussion.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 17:10
> anyway, grudge match -- good idea! with webcams of > course

guess you were talking about anm vs koopa, figures
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 17:12
andy: "Hacking into someone's PC is a criminal act"

depends where u live.
besides, i wasnt the one doing the hacking.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 17:16
also, as for being not guilty until proven guilty, that depends what you take as "proof". watching this demo, animalboys pov, its proof of guilt for me, cos i know what to look for with wallhackers.
just watch the demo and try and follow animalboys logic for everything he does, youll find a lot of times he does "odd" things tactically, which means basically he has different information than what you are seeing.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 17:21
koopa, ide love to see this proof that you are seeing. can you provide me with specific examples? perhaps demo_jump spots to look for?
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 17:27
personal attacks everywhere over so stupid little things... :)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 17:28
Just confess animalboy. You'll be found out in the end anyway :>
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 17:36
Listen up u fuckin retards. Koopa doesnt just accuse any 1 of cheatin and he has lost to some of the best players their are. So keep ure fuckin snot nosed little weasel comments to ure fuckin selfs u spastics.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 17:39
the 2on2's i pld in are EXTREMELY LOL OK, i dont recommend them from my pov
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 17:41
ide love to see those 2v2s
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 17:41
At first i was a bit suspicious after the nice prediction shot @ 2:30 but the more I saw the more convinced I was that animalboy was not cheating. I mean, _numerous_ times he (animalboy) runs directly in to "pingbot" and is totally taken by surprise, _none_ of the time he uses the "wallhack". Sure, you can say that didn't wanna give away that he was using wallhack but in some of the cases he should have just reacted instinctevly, or just been more prepared, now, as I said, it seemed as he was taken by surprise which is a funny way to use a wallhack imo. It's also funny that koopa already in the game, without watching any demo with wallhack, is totally convinced that animalboy is wallhacking and that doesn't exactly help his case.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 18:03
Camping Gaz
hey boys and gals, there're too much insults flying across the field i think. calm down everybody ;) it's just a game even tho it's more than just a game :).

i have a stupid proposition : rematch with both wallhacking! this will be even ground no? :?
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 18:04
Camping Gaz
PS. i don't assume that animalboy was or wasn't wallhacking! to me and for now, only he knows for sure.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 18:07
kovaak - do demo_jump 0:45 , he sees me behind the wall above at ra, so he shoots once below in case im dropping down, then since im not, he comes in and gets the first rocket in perfectly.

even before that, the first like 30 seconds, when hes coming to centre from ga, up high, he doesnt even wait to check a minute to see if im waiting around ra area,he goes to centre and then he immediately turns and faces approximately to the lower ra tunnel (i could have shot the lg door from up high as well, he should have been going carefully there in case i was up there)
of course, about half a second later, he spots me there and shoots, but a normal player wouldnt have known so surely that i was already there, especially since this is no lan demo, this is 110 ping vs 84 ping.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 18:08
oh btw, i am prepared to do rematch with both wallhacking if animalboy wants. or both not hacking. up to him.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 18:13
ah vei ta uma putaria isso q merda

i dindt watch the demo, and i wont, cuz im sure he isnt a cheater
koopa, we played many times @ brazilian server, once in a irish, lots of fun, had nice chats @ mirc and i sugest you do the same with animalboy, on pvt

last week i had a chat with insane about ppl calling top players cheaters
here in brazil some guys called me soundhacker, not wallhacker (cuz i play on vga)
its kinda funny see some guys getting frustrated wen they lost
but i dont care, just like insane when ppl say shits about him @ plnd

but my point is: stop the flame

this is a site visited by the entire qw comunnity, make this kind of discution public, its just a shame to the best game ever :(

all this thing should be evited takng a snapshot from animalboy in the middle of the game
here in brazil we got lots of gl wallhackers in that way

its simple and easy

well, thats it

and razor: i wanna more 1v1 with you @ US servers hehe

(sorry the crappy english)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 18:20
The lower ra tunnel is because your feet are showing, I saw that myself without wallhack, only using brightskins. I would have reacted exactly the same way. And the other "evidence" is not very convincing if u ask me, he hears you drop down, watches to see if you're coming at lower ra tunnel, you take to long and he realises that you're maybe coming the other way and shots a rocket, what's so suspicious about that?
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 18:23
if anm wasnt hacking, the 0:45 could have gone like this: you can see that the instant he hears you drop, he stands back to gl area and looks to ra short to see if you are coming from there, then spams a rocket to ra long. after that he decides maybe you were faking him out, so goes to spam a rocket at top ra.
its possible he could have wallhacked however.

for the first 30 seconds, he could have just being rushy and dumb. you did show up on his screen before he flicked and missed his rocket however. shows either stupid rushing on anm's part or wallhacking.

questionable :(
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 18:24
what a load of crap u guys say, what a bad loser u are koopa, go prac more euro faggot
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 18:29
i know im clear, i never cheated in my life and i dont need to prove shit to anyone, if glfuhquake is allowed i will use until someone bans glquake. if ppl cheat i cant do shit, i know i dont cheat, and if i predct ur moves by the sound u make, and ur dumb moves gtfo stupid newb, after 6 years playing qw u should know a lil more about quake ffs, its pretty ez say someone cheats and dont have any concrete proof, go get a life bitchass

in the server i told u, u can call a admin and take a snapshot, but u dont gave a fuck, so fuck off loser
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 18:41
V?o todos pro inferno com essa discuss?o med?ocre.
just... INSA SEXI $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
:k Beee
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 18:43
i "dont gave a fuck"? more like, i dont know where to get admins at 5:00 am on a foreign server.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 18:53
if animalboy plays me again dm6, and records the game with his webcam so we can see hes not using wallhack, and still manages to beat me, or even have a very close game, ill apologise.

otherwise, hes using wallhack (which im sure of already, thats why im making him this offer.. cos i know he wont take it)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 18:57
doob sure :)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 18:58
that match in that case is a must-see! after all this flamewar.. be sure to announce cams on qw.nu!!..
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 19:00
silmawien galin
i think koopa is using an aimbot. it clearly shows a few min into the game when he hits animalboy in the arm with a boomstick
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 19:01
no but seriously.. cant u just play him then animalboy, with webcam showing u arnt cheating... i think i would react the same like u if someone said i cheated.... but i would also wanna prove my innocense.. so whynot? :)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 19:03
here is one of the 2v2 demos
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 19:07
congrats everyone.. this demo are now the nr2 flamewar on chtv.. althou its 200 comments left to nr1 spot! but lets not give up!
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 19:07
here are all 3 2v2 demos in 1 zip, dl this instead: (the first one is with def(rob) in instead of me)


btw read this log of me talking to slik just now on irc, in it slik says animalboy fixed his sw by removing -dibonly, lol.. animalboy connected to a server yesterday with software and was moving his mouse around trying to show us how his mouse "froze" in software..

Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 19:24
I dont see why u take it personally koopa, maybe the ping difference was so huge ? Your the only one in 5 years thats accused the kid of cheating, and most reasonable people that look at this demo see nothing wrong with it. 'Some shots are questionable', just as in every other qw game there is between good players. I played you in a dm6 game where u made the exact same shot on me as the one on 0:45 in this demo, but i didn't assume that u cheated. People in the USA have played with animalboy for years. You saying this guy cheats is like saying we're all retards that have been playing a cheater for years and have no clue. Whether you like animalboy or you dont, u cant deny that he's good at qw, he's good at nq, he's made somewhat of a name for himself in cpma, and he's lanned in brazil. I mean your acccusing him of having some super duper hack that works in all games... that seems a little too conveniant for me. And posting an irc log to somehow prove that animal cheats seems stupid. Either provide everyone with this *superhack* that u claim works in every game, which u claim is the only reason he's 'good at all games' or just apologize and stop the bullshit.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 19:27
heh.. there were a lot 100+ comment demos on chtv... and they got deleted.. (stupid)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 19:27
slik, there IS a "superhack" that works in all opengl based games. your in mafia, one of your fags probably programmed it, you should know.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 19:29
ward see #36
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 19:32
am i ez
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 19:37
kovaak if there is a superhack, why dont u please provide it to all of us, so we can see for ourselves, easy enough.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 19:37
one that works in every single gl game that is q1, q3, etc
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 19:40
if u guys wanna flame me and say i have no skill and call me a cheater and what not, thats fine, but i think u picked the wrong guy to try to do this too
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 19:40
cause then everyone would cheat?
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 19:50
On the contrary, if kovaak provided us with this superhack that he claims exists, it would cause such a problem that there would be protection built against it. I urge kovaak that if there exists a cheat that works in all gl based games that he make it public so we can have some protection against it. Unlike phil, i dont think keeping the hacks within a select few is the best option.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:01
ok, fuck this. im gonna upload the opengl driver wallhack. its the only way to show people exactly how bad it is. as i see it, a lot of people have it anyway.

Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:02
So (unlike me) you propose that quakeworld be thrown into the trash can?

There has been lots of talk (http://fuhquake.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1380&highlight=opengl32+dll&sid=9025d00255d7ec6b9f0034e1f539c74e for example) about this opengl32.dll cheat and how do go about banning it. Maybe you could do some kind of check to see not if its legit, but if it is illegit. But then (depending on the stupidity of the check), people could just make a new opengl32.dll hack that differed somehow from the other one.

Regardless, publically releasing this cheat (something tells me this has allready been done, since the, uh, public, apparently has it) will do great damage to many scenes. Don't fool yourself, 99% of the people cheating will be caught, but it will be a waste of a lot of time.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:05
k its uploaded on my ftp server.. im debating whether to put the url up here or not.. all in favour say "yes"
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:05
phil, its not just qw. this opengl driver wallhack wowks in all opengl games
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:06
Phil, i think it does more damage when a select few have access to the cheat and no one else does. If koopa and kovaak have this opengl cheat and/or know where to get it, they should provide it to all of us, not just keep it for themselves to use or experiement with.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:08
Koopa if u want qw and online games to be cheat free the best method is to report and/or make public those hacks and cheats, as long as u keep it yourself and your buddies, theres never gonna be protection against it... think about it.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:10
ive already talked to fuh, he canNOT prevent it from being used unless someone makes a library of 100+ random gl drivers per videocard per operating system
fucking delete it NOW
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:13
"it's impossible to check for modified versions of opengl32.dll by fuhquake really. every video card uses a different one, and there'd be thousands overall." - fuh
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:14
ward: that's exactly what I think Koopa should do. Apparently other games have punkbuster to stop it but QW has nothing.

Anyway I've heard Koopa's full side of the story now and he has a really good track record at finding hacks, having been proved right with 2 wallhackers. The arguments he started up with (for example) Moose sound practically the same as this one, with "you're a bad loser" etc and the accused guy just using a lot of insults:



The result of this was that Mushi found the following screenshot on Moose's PC:


Anyway I have the opengl hack now and if I can make it work I'm going to post it on ch-tv so someone stops it, I couldn't care less if you all flame me. :)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:15
haha ok reading kovaak's comment i'll hold my fire. :)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:16
i vote no... i think it should be pretty obvious to not upload cheats to the public... and what is there to show? just to show that it exist?.. we all believe u anyway that it exist.. except slik in that mafia clan.. just give it to people that can build protection against it.... dont give it to everyone
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:18
Just to clarify. This OpenGL 'super-cheat' is not new. It's been around for a while, even Wicked3D released their driver set with the option for having transparent walls and so on, but were quickly shunted by the community to take those features out.

The idea is simple. You make a proxy opengl32.dll and shove it into your quake dir. When the quake executable starts, it first looks in the current DIR and finds opengl32.dll. This opengl32.dll has all the API function entry points, and hands most of them off to the real opengl32.dll in the %WINDOWS_SYSTEM% dir or whatever that env is called. A couple of them however, it can modify the calls to and hence allow for see through objects and walls etc etc.

This is one of the reason creating a secure game is so hard, there are a whole number of ways to get around security measures. Anything but playing on a LAN is potentially prone to fault.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:20
ok read this if u wanna know more about the asus driver wallhack:

Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:20
more comments then dl's ;)it looks like koopa is a player who likes to give excuses why he loose and looks he gets pretty upset when he does cuz not only he was saying anm was cheating but he also said in the demo he 2tired to play good and then here he says he is rusty with 80 ping. This to me looks like a guy who gives excuses why he looses and not a guy who just wants to prove anm is cheating. that's my 50 cents ;) sorry for the bad english. if he would just said anm u are cheating maybe i would be like this is pissed cuz anm s cheating but he does give other excuses that he s tired,rusty,80 ping etc.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:20
Oh yeah. Re: the supercheat.

What I meant to say was. It is real, and does exist. If it has been through of you can place your bets someone has made it.

What fuh would have to do to provent this is CRC/MD5/SHA or whatever every opengl32.dll supplied with every driver set for every card for every operating system with a database was also suitably secure that no-one could modify it.

It gets a bit out of hand, doesnt it?
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:21
cholo i lose all the time vs good players on dm6, i never call them wallhacks
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:22
my point is that animalboy isnt good, hes just a wallhack, without wallhack he would lose 30 - 0 or something
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:23
i am not nobody side. but in the demo it doesn't looks like anm cheated even tho i accused anm once of having wallhack myself in some dm server but everybody told me that he doesn't cheat and stuff so i drop the case but he was using sw back then so i was wrong i think. but cheaters suck i have no respect for them whatsoever even if they cheated in public game they should be killed in slow motion so they suffer.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:23
punkbuster does that shit already afaik, in q3/cs

it doesnt support qw tho
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:25
which is why only lan games should count
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:25
yeah but sw wallhack is easy, qw sourcecode has been out for years,

its only sw+qizmo thats hard, or fuhquake_sw or something
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:25
i dont get it, how is that fair if koopa and kovaak have access to the hack, and we dont? Koopa, does punkbuster protect against this hack? if it does, it proves animalboy doesn't hack, because punkbuster runs in q3 promode
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:26
i dislike anm alot but now he s talking like that faggot devious and his little click, sucks that a cool guy like he was before started to hang out with the lamest ppl in scene like slik,devious and mafia players. not only they are lame but they are cheaters so i have no respect for him whatsoever.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:27
q3 promode being another mod he's good in, just drop the shit koopa its ridiculous
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:28
but hmm doesnt it show in qwd/qwz demos what the player actually sees? so why cant just animalboy post the demo after playing koopa once?
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:29
maybe with u claiming the best lg in the world and getting raped at qhlan, we should assume u hack too
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:30
"i dont get it, how is that fair if koopa and kovaak have access to the hack, and we dont?" - slik

i received it from a certain ca'er who will remain nameless. he asked me to speak with fuh regarding it. he also wanted to tell the community that the next time you see someone using who gets a series of cheaty shots, dont immediately dismiss it if they are using fuhquake gl - this hack does exist.

"if it does, it proves animalboy doesn't hack, because punkbuster runs in q3 promode " - slik

why is it that every time someone in mafia is accused of cheating, they talk about other places where they werent cheating as if you cant possibly toggle the hacks?
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:31
let me just clarify , that i doubt animalboy has even heard of opengl hack , much less uses one , cause i know i sure as hell have never heard of some shit like this , and im sure this is new shit for a couple of other people too heh
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:33
wow there u have kovaak admitting he has the open gl hack too, thats great, who else? u guys gonna keep it for yourselves to use? or make it public ?
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:35
demojump 345 using the hacked client to see animalboy pull back down the slope and shoot at koopa behind the wall, he made a big mistake being so obvious at that point in the game since he had checked that area and was waiting on koopa appearing down below, shooting at koopa behind the wall so precisely was a stupid thing to do and i bet he was kicking himself right after it

it's even more obvious without hacked client, do demo_jump 5:50 to see it with mqwcl
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:35
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:35
ahahaha asus yanking the chain with their see thru "technology breakthroughs" omg

that is fucking hilarious im sorry
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:38
also its funny (in a sad way) to see slik begging kovaak for cheats, trying to say that he is actually using them.. lawwwwwwwwwwl
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:41
yep im begging for cheats
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:42
"wow there u have kovaak admitting he has the open gl hack too, thats great, who else? u guys gonna keep it for yourselves to use? or make it public ? " - slik

werent you already saying my name as having it before? didnt you already know this? aside from that, why dont you read the comments above as to why it isnt going public - we cant do much to prevent it. and the next time you see me playing in gl, feel completely free to say i am hacking. ive been using software for the past year however.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:44
god phil do you ever in your god forsaken life stfu my god , you are such a fucking nwb , you just make retarded posts nonstop and , and just ride everyones cock , werent you insulting kovaak on his interview a few weeks ago? jesus , STOP FUCKING POSTING YOU FUVLKVJSO;VGADG89AUGOAKLGJAGS IFCUKING RPE U NWB
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:45
i dont care what ur using man, theres people with funny shit in q3 too, if there using this wallhack also, expose them, and lets get protection against it. Koopa keeping it to himself and his buddies isn't gonna help anything.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:47
i try to stop reading this thread but the lollin just won't stop
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:49
nate $.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:50
ok so since when was i insulting kovaak?

devious, go to amazon.com and get "How To Make Sense for Dummies"
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 20:59
MX ---> $
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:00
no ward (slik), q3 promode = q3 = opengl

Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:01
okie dokie phil , while im doing that , you can head over to barnes and noble , and pick up ur copies of "how to be not to be lol for dummies" "how not to suck at quake for dummies" "how to suck penis more efficiently for dummies" "how to make have 50% of the comments on a thread for dummies" "how not to be a retard for dummies" and , finally the the best selling "really lol people are raised , not born! , how my parents raised me to be really lol" by summer sanders (that book owns btw) so , better stock up on ur library card nwb , u gotta alot of literature to catch up on!
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:01
so ur saying punkbuster doesn't stop this hack?
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:02
oops wrong name
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:04
"how to be not to be lol for dummies" ?

You must have written that book, devious; after all, it has your signature grammar.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:08
well just like we were all born in sin , yes thats right , we were all born lol , and just like some sinners still sin , some lol people just cant shake that unbreakable urge to be lol , yes i was lol at one point too k , apparently you are so lol its a sin k
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:09
i dont know if punkbuster stops this hack or not, i didnt make punkbuster.

i dont think it does though, if what kovaak said is true about the card database
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:28
LOL yeah, 6:00 minutes into the other demo, he waits for me to come through the lower way into ga, that looks really funny if you watch it with wallhack..

(other demo is at http://www.challenge-tv.com/index.php?mode=demodetail&demo=20521 )
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:29
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:29
actually, even without wallhack it looks weird, and he must have the reaction time of like 0ms to be able to shoot a rocket so fast on 110 ping, even if he was just "looking there for 5 seconds, for no reason"
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:32
go get any cpma demos mine and go learn some shit fkn newb that never seen a pussy skinny yellow motherfucker :)? u and ur cocksuckers were the only ones that said i was cheating, maybe u asked them to say i was so u didnt look bad, even people that i had troubles in the past and people that are respected in the qw world community, much more than u said i aint cheating so stfu and admit ur just a bad loser, bad loser not, worse than bad loser, stop ur fkn crying and just admit, show me any play that i did that u think im cheat, if u really think im cheat ur really didnt learn much in the time u played qw. i really tought u were a respectful and good play, but now, u aint shit! try to live another life, cause it seems that i just fucked ur own fkn life that is qw, beating ur ass up!

Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:33
koopa it seems u use wallhack more than anyone here especially animalboy, why dont u look at it in normal quake like the rest of us and delete your stupid wallhack ?
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:33
koopa, i dont know what u talking about, but maybe it was just my auto aim, not my wallhack :)
yeah, i use autoaim, fake ping, wallhack, my nick aint animalboy and i live in sweden! so stfu newb
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:34
and yes i know i picked up an ammo pack, but even from hearing the sound he cant know exactly when ill come out.. with wallhack it becomes pretty obvious what to do, without wallhack youre left wondering "why is he waiting around there for? when the other guy could come thru tele"
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:36
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:37
yeah koopa, i must have predict what any newbie would do, but in that case the newbie were u :)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:42
i love the way animalboy tries to slag me about my private life lol, you dont know anything about me you stupid dope, youre just making yourself look even stupider in front of everyone who actually knows me.. melachi put it best when he said "why is that ugly fat fuck calling you a nerd?"

love you all, darlings, xxx
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:44
(even if you are a wallhack newbie)

lots of love!
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:49
yeah, it seems that u lost buddie :)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:52
i dont think i did :)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:54
get the demos and u will see :)
11 - 5
11 - 7

ggs! u lost
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:56
it can count!
it can use wallhack!!
order your animalboy today!
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:56
animalboy i dont see why u dont just prove your innocense.. dont u want to do that?
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:57
razor, i got nothing to prove, i did nothing wrong, who is the wrong guy in the history is koopa that goes calling me cheater without proves
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:57
oh btw if u were any sort of good player with wallhack animalboy, the score would not have been 11 - 7 , it would have been over 20 - 0 :)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 21:59
Koopa only person looking stupid here is you. Def and Kovaak dont like me or animalboy at all, but even they wont come on here and say that animalboy is a cheater or a quake hacker, and they have as much experience as anyone in qw. I'm sure animalboys english isn't that good but why dont u show us how good your portugese is. I've never seen a player that i've respected as much as you Koopa make such a fool of himself.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:00
sam pm irc k
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:01
ye maybe u ARE wrongfully accused.. but i dont see why anyone doesnt wanna prove themselfs innocent after a 200 posts flamewar about the issue... would seem smarter instead of lining up personal attacks after personal attacks.... but now koopa started with some personal unessesary stuff to... so what the heck... lets see who can come up with the most disgusting stuff about each other and that one wins! ;)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:01
the proof is in the demos, its hard to see cos most people here are not used to playing with wallhack.. luckily for me, after i met DooM (not the russian DooM, this guy was portuguese) i made sure i knew everything about wallhack i could know, by playing with it vs my friends (they knew i was using it), and making them play vs me with them using wallhack (so i knew what it felt like).

oh btw, all the specs were saying u were wallhack too.. any time you hear MIXU agreeing with FE.DEF , you know something weird is going on ;)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:02
lol razor.

personal attacks, when you dont even know the guy youre attacking, does not make much sense.. me and animalboy dont even know each other in real life, i dont think he can make me do anything more than laugh with whatever he says :)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:05
well that was exactly my point.. i said it was stupid... :)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:05
oh and ward, i never slagged animalboys english.. what the hell are you talking about?
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:08
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:09
wait for it
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:09
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:10
imagine this was a courthouse! :) and koopa came with what he believe is proof... then u cant say "go fuck yourself u have no life!"... just prove your innosence!
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:10
calling the guy a cheater because he beat you isn't a personal attack?
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:13
who said it was because he beat me?
i called moose a cheater and he never beat me, when that happened people said "oh youre calling him a cheater and he cant even beat you, youre so lame"

so if he doesnt beat you, youre lame for calling him a cheater cos he cant even beat you
and if he beats you, youre lame for calling him a cheater cos he beat you
very strong logic
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:13
<ewdafa> i'll get 203. <ewdafa> so there.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:14
get over the reason that it was because he lost... koopa have lost before like everyone else.. and on dm4 too.. which is his best map and i think he would care more there maybe... but i dont know how much he really cares about a hpw dm6 duel
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:18
aye I have seen koopa lose on many occasions, I've even been known to beat him (although nowhere near as much as hes beaten the stuffing out of me), he doesn't break and start accusing anyone of cheating. If anything he buckles up and tries even harder.

Atm he has a very strong hunch/educated guess of animalboy using wallhacks.

We'll see how this all ends out though. This is definately the most action the QW scene has had in a while though. :)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:24
koopa my man.
'youre just making yourself look even stupider in front of everyone who actually knows me.. melachi put it best when he said "why is that ugly fat fuck calling you a nerd?"'

so what he's looking stupider in front of YOUR friends? oh Lord
Now, please Koopa, do me a big favor and go get a life, go some bar, have a drink, go bang ur girlfriend (or boyfriend) or anything...
u lost this meanless argument in every important way.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:28
another really high IQ argument there... "koopa my man".. u are so totally right... i think he is now gonna rethink his life which u know so much about...
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:33
razor my man.
another really high IQ argument there..."another really high IQ argument there"
thats not my point razor. u're making fun of ppls IQ's now? why don't u make fun of what the post is really about? that if u can understand it, of course.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:36
very friendly bunch, arent they? :)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:38
i maked fun about an anonymous guys comment.. i dont even know who u are.... and what do YOU think this thread is about? peoples personal lifes? come on it doesnt have to do with anything at all!.. just one simple thing.. did he cheat or not.. and just line up reasonable arguments instead of lame personal attacks like "get a life"
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:46
razor my man.
i didn't came to line up arguments about the simple thing u mentioned. im not lamming attacking anybody, u stick to high IQ conversation ideas and tactics too much, i just tried to enlight one universal true that was lost in all this mess...koopa lost in all the important arguments. thats all. and i really dont think this is about personal lifes. but for koopa, it really should start being about it. but then again, thats just my opnion, and not a universal true u know.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:47
i got struck by the flan pan by def, gg
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:49
"koopa lost in all the important arguments"

yeah, animalboy really showed me i was wrong about his wallhack, that time when he put his webcam on, and raped me 70 - 0 all maps

damn i feel so stupid now!! lol
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:52
ok if thats your opinion... good for u... then we know where we have each other
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:52
koopa my man.
keep on the winning streak dude. lol
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:54
oh wait.. he didnt ever do that! doh!

then again, he did beat me really hard in the argument where i said he would not even play me in software prolly, unless i gave him like a week to get wallhack working with software/qizmo first.., man, did i feel stupid after that game!! when he beat me with software and qizmo at exactly 2 hours ago, which was the time he said he would play me at in software and qizmo..
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:56
razor my man.
"dont get personal razor...got get a life urself damn it!"
now see, thats a fake personal lame attack inspired by what it looks like a real one.
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:58
uh... koopa? what? clarify without sarcasm please :)
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:58

razor my man: 0 %
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 22:58
i just said i didnt like your opinion?
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 23:00
so i can see now, he beat me really hard in every argument.

what impressed me most of all was the advice about my personal life that "razor my man" gave me for free! wow man, im definitely glad i chose you to give me advice about these things, i definitely got what i paid $0 for!! im not gonna be asking for a refund anyway, that advice was worth every penny!

oh wait.. actually,
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 23:04
kovaak, basically, animalboy refuses to play me with a webcam, and he wont even play me in software with qizmo.. or fuhquake software..

he was on irc earlier, then he said he couldnt play but would come back in a few hours.. that was like 5 hours ago..
im guessing he is asking all his friends to see if one of them can make him a qizmo/software quake wallhack, itll probably take a few days.

oh also, to recap, he keeps changing his story, first it was that software just "didnt run" on his system, then it was "my mouse fucks up in software" - at which point he connected to the server, typed a few things, spun his mouse around a few times, and then, having proved absolutely nothing at all, disconnected. now he says (or slik says, on his behalf), that "he was going to play you in software but youre being gay so he wont" - http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~doomgod/crap/slik.txt
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 23:08
ah... i read that log file, its typical slik/devious/anm junk. throw logic out the window.

be glad that you dont live in usa and have to put up with these guys. luckily they are banned from the best central usa servers (googles) and the east coast canadian server (gamingmoose)... too bad most players ping better to ginzberg's servers, which he refuses to ban these tards and requests that i get evidence of what they do...
Wednesday 13 Aug 2003, 23:42
kovaak, first of all, i never been agressive or mean with u, if slk/dvs have problems with u dont put me in the history ok?

koopa, i asked u if someone had msn messager so we could put the webcam on and u just said bs to me and keep ignoring me when i asked where i could get a program to get a live conference to see my webcam and u just told me to record and some bs that i ignored, dude, i really dont think i need to do all this handwork just to prove to urself and ur bunch of friends that im not cheating, there is no suspects moves in the demos and ur just been stupid with me since u lost, so tell me, why should i stop playing with gl, try to fix my sw, set a webcam, play against u again just to prove to 5 people that i dont cheat? tell me why? i dont even play qw anymore, like i said, i just play when i dont have nothing better to do, i dont even live in europe to compete with europeans, so why would i do all this hand work and get more stressed just to make u say ur sorry about all this bullshit?

dude, u guys can say i cheat, i really dont give a fuck, qw in america is dead and i dont have a ping to compete in europe, so i dont really care what a bunch of guys that live by quake think about my game, so you can think whatever you want that i wont really care, i am still playing qw cause i dont know much ppl in us and i dont have much to do, so please, leave me alone dude! go try to get a elite player from europe, and stop bugging me!

this will prolly be my last post here cause i dont need to prove shit to anyone, the only thing i can give is my word, if u wanna believe it... good! Otherwise, for these guys that dont believe, i will still be using wallhack... this wont change my life anyway... btw koopa, good luck in ur life (qw)... :) if u guys wanna keep posting comments about my game go ahead, i dont really care!

later! sorry about the crappy english, animalboy
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 00:05
eh, how the hell should i know how to work your webcam? i know you know how to do it already cos u made a rap video using it, remember? i said to record just like you had recorded the avi for ur rap video.
it doesnt have to be live.. so long as we can see your screen, and see that you are not using wallhack, after the game, thatll be enough.

oh yeah, i love the comments about my life yeah, for someone who has only met me through like 5 games(?), and never met me in real life, or talked to me or know me at all actually, you have a lot of advice to give. amazing guy. like i said before, your advice is worth exactly how much i paid for it.

cya. (i take it you dont wanna play now?
i waited hours for u )
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 00:06
am i ez
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 00:15
also "the only thing i can give is my word" - lol, this might work if ur religious, and believe things just cos youre told it, but i dont think we got too many of that type.. especially with the demos, the absolute refusal to play in non-gl, or with a webcam behind you, or anything.

if you want, we can BOTH use wallhacks, what will happen then i think, is that my skill level will increase by a lot (cos of wallhack), and your skill level will increase very little (since youre already using the wallhack for the tactical advantage, even tho youre trying to not make so many obvious prediction shots using it). wanna try it?

you wont need to make software work, or a webcam, this way.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 00:17
dvs <3
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 00:39
Gonna throw a log on the fire... I've been reading this thread all day and it's just making me insane with rage.

1) Koopa, the fact that you brought this accusation public shows a lot about your character. Don't ask me to elaborate on this, as I'm sure everyone has a pretty good idea what I'm talking about. Why did anyone but you and Animalboy need to be involved in this conversation?

2) Your persistance on the GL v. SW client: some players much prefer one renderer or the other. Some of the top players use GL, and then some of the top players use SW. Who are you to 'require' the client that is used by your opponent? Playing in software and playing in opengl QW are pretty different. It takes a bit of time to adjust, and I'm sure everyone out there will agree, there are certain 'feelings' to each client that for one reason or another, cannot be completely recreated in the other. Asking (ahem, demanding?) animalboy to use a client he is, perhaps, less familiar with is pretty inconciderate.

3) Webcam? I can't even comprehend the mindset for such a request.

It is very unfortunate that there exists opengl drivers for windows which allow people to see through walls. Not just because it means people may cheat, but (and in my opinion, a greater evil) but that people will make accusations that someone is using the above mentioned 'hack'.

Koopa, from what I understand, you have helped publicize other peoples' cheating, and you fancy yourself a good read of wallhacking and what not. This is fine, I'm sure you are more versed in this area than I (or many of the others on this thread), _however_, it is a bit disappointing that you at no point allowed the possibility that Animalboy was not cheating. You have been pretty damn stubborn about this. I don't know your relationship with Animalboy, or if these beliefs predated this bit of 'evidence'.. but I did watch the demos from both POVs several times. Animalboy played a cautious game, often times holding a defensive position at GA.. You played a semi-aggressive game when you were going for a spawn frag combo, or pressuring mega. When you started getting stopped, you got frustrated, and let it fall apart. Animal took advantage of this. There really are no moments in the game where a cautious dm6 player could possibly make the predictions that Animalboy did.

Sammy Sosa hit a baseball really far one day. The video shows that the ball went farther than every other player playing there. Those players did not have corked bats. Now, Sammy's homerun won the game, but the day after, we reviewed the video. That ball did in fact go much further than the other balls hit that night. All the other bats were not corked. I believe that Sammy's bat was corked during that game, and I request that the game be replayed, and at the end of the game, we will saw his bat in half to prove that he is not a cheater.

Sound fair?

* I would like to point out that I cannot be certain if animalboy cheated or did not because it is impossible to prove someone not guilty of an event in the past that has no evidence. Everything that has been said is completely subjective (watching with hacked clients). I do not believe, judging from these demos, that he did cheat. I also do not know animalboy or koopa. I have no invested interest in any party.

blah blah blah
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 01:25
Camping Gaz
i was just asking for a good game, snif :)
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 01:26
Can't believe I read 229 posts (well, many of them at least). The things Devious tells phil alone were worth it. :P

Would like to see koopa vs. animal boy with webcam!
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 01:33
just watched the dm2 2v2 demos... i cannot possibly see how one would say anm was wallhacking in those games. i saw NOTHING of note (unlike the dm6 1v1s, where i saw one or two things that made me consider what was going on). im not going to bother watching the dm6 2v2, im 100% sure that it will contain nothing but spam+rushing+bunny hopping, which will make it impossible to prove anything if it did happen.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 02:36
i stopped reading this post after i owned phil for like the 5th time , god that nwb is fucking ez , when it comes to being ez , that nwb takes the cake and the candles k
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 02:37
well, animalboy threw out whatever credibility he had in my eyes with that last comment of his. not to relate one to the other, but bullet and c9 had the same "whatever i dont care" reaction (they were caught cheating.)

if someone accused me of hacking, i would try to prove otherwise.. animalboy obviously knows how to work a cam, so that apologetic bull about the cam just throws more shadow -- but I really don't know what it will prove if animalboy+webcam gets owned by koopa
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 02:45
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 02:58
i guess i have a new fan or something
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 03:05
This is hilarious! Came back here coz saw someone pasted address on IRC, wasn't even sure what it was.. but once again, coz of Devious/phil it was worth reading.. Funny stuff.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 04:03
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 04:04
dude , this phil nwb just doesnt give up , ive woojed him on about 5 or 6 times on this thread , and the stpd nwb is just thirsty for more , my god wtf.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 04:13
love shack
blame mixu! its all his fault
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 04:15
i en rosa helikopter vill jag flyga hem till dig xxxx
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 04:41
ginzberg, the "accusation" was already public once he posted the demo, as i said "wallhack" in both demos. and besides, why shouldnt i make my accusations publicly?
im not the one who posted the demo btw.. he did.

in fact, using your own type of logic, you say in your first sentence "I've been reading this thread all day and it's just making me insane with rage." - so , why is a discussion between 2 people you dont know and have no vested interests in, make you insane with rage? especially in light of the fact that at the end of your post you say "I would like to point out that I cannot be certain if animalboy cheated or did not" - then why are you going insane with rage?

your post shows a lot more about your character than mine.. noone is perfect, but character is not the issue here. the issue is, a lot of people, myself included, think that animalboy is wallhacking, and we would like him to help us believe him by playing one or 2 games in software, or with a webcam on.

as for glquake vs software, i am well aware of the difference, i myself use glquake and have not used software except like twice, in the last 4 years. i know how much difference switching to software from glquake makes. remember, im not asking animalboy to WIN a game on software, only to give a reasonably similar performance.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 04:51
also, "it is a bit disappointing that you at no point allowed the possibility that Animalboy was not cheating." - the reason for this is that to me, especially after watching the demos, it is so obvious he is cheating that ill give you an analogy, suppose you leave a kid in a room with some matches, and tell him not to light them, then you return 2 hours later, the matches are burned, but the kid says he didnt burn them - of course, he could be correct 0.1% of the time, and maybe aliens came into the house and lighted the matches, but the other 99.9% of the time you will be right in saying the kid lit the matches, cos its the most obvious solution. the reason the kid cant understand why you wont believe him is that his view of the world is not as accurate as yours, he believes the chance of the match lighting by itself, or by "aliens" or whatever, is much higher than it actually is, you basically are using your superior knowledge of this world to say to the child "i know you did it" - that is basically (IN MY OPINION) whats going on here, animalboy doesnt know the stuff i know about catching wallhacks, and human reaction times (this bit holds true whether u are playing dag or griffin or some unknown guy who u never met before) have a set limit, wallhack breaks that limit in some situations.
im tired as fuck right now so ill just click "post", hope i answered most of your questions
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 05:00
why wont he just put my suspicions to rest btw, if he really is not wallhacking?

dont start the old shit argument again about me saying hes hacking cos i lost, that is so zzz, i lose all the fucking time but i dont call them wallhacks. i might say "i sucked" , or "lucky fucker" hehe, but thats just cos that is really what i think, that they were lucky or whatever. i dont try and say one thing like "you cheated" when i dont really think it tho.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 06:03
this wallhack, is it a .dll you put in quake folder and not a client u run?

i got a zip of cheats here (rader,invisable walls you can change how clear you want them, aimbot, move faster etc) but they are all clients you run, also dont show up in f_checks.

only way is to use fuhquake to stop these cheats^^^

you can normaly tell if somone is cheating when playing them i think.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 06:26
here is a piture of what it looks like. easy to do to any texture you want. but you must use a dodgy client that doesnt show up in f_checks.

fuhquake stops this cheat. (never used btw)
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 06:26
and a link duh

Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 08:36
Well. I've watched the 2v2's this morning and I cannot see anything suspicious in them at all. I've also flown around a FFA server with the wallhacked MVD client to find out where and when the client recieves packets with the enemys location. If animalboy was using wallhacks, which I do not think he did, then he is an absolute master at covering it up.

The fact he makes some suspect moves in the 1-1 I believe merely happened by chance, and everyone is so worked up about the whole wallhack issue they 'believe' they can see it to. I think this is just a case of mental flaws, the same way people can be hypnotised and drawn into religion, sam and mixu and the spec's started out thinking "he's a bit to good on that ping" and it's slowly evolved into "wallhacks" so that they believe it without errr..reason I guess. I'm not so good at putting my thoughts into words.

Personally I think I can safely put this one to rest until proven otherwise.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 08:38
Also I think the bizarre style on dm6 is simply a matter of regional differences. Euros play very differently from americans, and even though sam has told me he's played alot of americans and none of them play like this, I think it's safe to say there are some odd-ball Euros aswell. Locktar, and Rabid (many probably wont know him) come to mind.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 08:42
Haha. I should really put this all in one post. Anyway, I think the thing that fueled the fire the most is the fact animalboy has posted the demos, without Koopas concent.

Sure alot of people do it(post demos without concent) alot, but Koopa could have accused animalboy of using wallhacks and then they could have simply left it at that, until a later date (for whatever reason).

The sheer aggrovation and arrogance coming off half of this lot is rather stressful to be honest, and I don't know anyone who benefits from getting this directed at them.

Cut out the kiddy bollocks please, quakeworld is near enough dead anyhow. Hurrah for halflife2 so we can all pick on fresh meat.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 09:25
in the 1on1 demo some stuff look odd maybe... but i dont think it can be proof...
the only thing that i think is most suspicious is animalboys reaction.. "i dont care, if u think i cheated! fine! im not gonna say anything here anymore!"... i just cant understand why he doesnt wanna prove himself innocent after all this thread.. and why webcam or software? especially software is to much to ask imo... wasnt it enough with qwd/qwz.. that would show what he sees.. or was the one that said that (i dont remember who) wrong about that?
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 09:32
KovaaK: I know. I often use exaggerated values for such comparisons indicated by a 'like' or something similar. There are about 3987634789 flies in here atm.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 10:24
keep going ppl....not long to go before taking the #1 flamewar position. Probably better to get out in the sun while it's still here though (Euros!)

I didn't think there was any proof of cheating when I first watched this but I'm not so sure now. On that demo there are definitely a few dodgy things. E.G. demo_jump about 140 and watch the rocket animalboy fires as koopa's jumping in from the nailgun. Watch that with the hack on.

I don't really care if animalboy was cheating (although it would be quite funny if a whole load of the great qw community turn out to be playing with this superhack.)

But it's like Razor says: if he's clean why not just play with software or a webcam on? Listening to this in irc, there always seems to be an excuse. Software? "it ruins my mouse." Webcam? "it makes my game choppy." How can you know this, I mean do you always record .avis when you're playing quake? Writing to HDD might cause a bit of choppiness but Quake doesn't use much cpu at all and webcams use even less. Then animalboy said he'd play with webcam if someone sent him some sort of program to make it play live. I mean come on, how is anyone supposed to work his webcam for him? and broadcasting live would probably be much worse for online play anyway due to ping. All of this isn't really enough to say he's definitely guilty, though.

Anyway I only have one more thing to say about this which is parapa pa pa pa pa, pa pa PA PA!

Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 10:41
i said i wasnt gonna post here, but lets try by the last time....

#235, phil, i really dont give a fuck about all this bs, this aint gonna change my life, if u wanna believe that i wasnt cheating this is ok, if believe i really was using wallhack ur just showing how lame u are, cause there is no suspictious play in the game, yeah , i think is ez stop with all the bs, my english suck, and i dont wanna keep trying to pushing my english and getting in no where, if where in portuguese i maybe would try a lil more of posts

i just posted the demos cause koopa was bullshiting me with so many shit that i tought was ez just to post so everyone could see that i wasnt cheating, yeah, everyone said i wasnt, i dont see a point to prove againt that i wasnt...

#244, koopa, b4 u say something try to get informed, if u dont know i play quake for 6 years long, and yeah, i already got like 4 cheaters in qw too, and im not as lame as u think, u may never hear about me, but yeah, i have a long history of quake.... so dont go caling me a lame that dont know shit...

#250, my style really is bizarre, aint american, maybe is from brasil, yeah im from brasil, ask doob, zip, and anothers best duelers from brasil about my game and u will comprove, i dont got my style from anyone, i made it myself, so must be really odd, i admit, but is the way i got a lot of wins in some years of qw...

#252, razor, like i said, english aint my 1st language and i have problems writing, so i dont need to make myself a fool anymore, there is nothing wrong in the demos, and i dont see a point to keep trying to prove that im not. if u guys want i have some qwd heres, not from this game but i have from another games

this is bs, everyone says there is nothing wrong with the demos and this stupid koopa is the only one that still thinks im cheating.. since he starting with this bs he just had disrespected me, ignoring me and trying to make a fool of myself, so why would i prove him that i aint cheating... i wont change my game, or stop using gl just cause he wants too, i will still making my odd moves and my odd plays, and winning matches like this by the enemy moves, my aim suck, i have no skill, like koopa said, but my iq still over urs so i can win u, so stop with all this bs ok?

Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 10:45
ok, i would record this shit, but than if i record people would say i played the demo and than recorded without the cheat and i would have to play again and all that bs. and u guys can believe it or not, but the cam cord is like 1 meter and i dunno how would i do to record the screen, u can think this is bs, but i dont need to prove nothin, and about sw i already told my mouse stops working in the midle of the game, but koopa and his friends just made fun of me, so i didnt see why i should make myself more a fool...

[]s animalboy
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 10:50
i just dont see why i have to prove to 3 ppl that i dont cheat, i could, but i wont, cause everyone here already said there is nothin wrong, and i dont care what koopa thinks about my game... he seems to be the only one thinking im cheating...

he never knew about me before, play, lost and think im just some random newbie that need to cheat to own him. thats just ridiculous.

koopa, maybe the newbie here is you, not me... laters.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 10:55
the fact that i dont post every fucking demos in chtv and i dont keep suck euros, and elite cocks doesnt make me a newbie... i just unkown by a lot of euros, but go ask some brasilian about my game, where i learned how to play. i was just trying to have some fun playing some games and thats what i got, a guy calling me wallhack cause he lost... he and the other guys thats started all this bullshit, the def(from euro) and another of his friends... 2 newbies that keep getting raped in euro server with ping 20 against my ping 120...
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 11:56
there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, animalboy publically ADMITTING to using cheats!!!

Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 12:00
sad , even def and kovaak who hate anm come and vouch for him , doesnt that count for anything ?
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 12:13
fine, ill just say, just cos 90% of the population says something is true, doesnt make it true. to me playing vs a wallhack to playing vs someone skilled is like the difference between night and day, but obviously most ppl here arent convinced. im still 99.9% sure you got wallhack animalboy, and you dont even know my iq, so how do you know yours is over mine? :>
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 12:30
basically, i still think youre wallhack, even more so after all the conflicting stuff u said bout software, webcam, etc. its so fucking obvious from my pov, but theres no point in going on about it.. im not getting paid to post on these threads
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 12:33
paid to post on forums?
mmm.. that sounds like a cushy job. :)
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 12:42
Koopa you did a great job of selling this... even got me wondering a little bit at times, but by looking at these posts it seems no one else is 100% convinced like you are, except for maybe a few of your euro friends.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 12:44
nobody thinks anm is hacking. shut ur mouth before i smack it with something long and hard k
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 12:54
no, animalboy did a great job of selling this, not me - hes managed to get you all convinced hes not cheating without ever playing in software or with a webcam or anything.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 13:15
I'm willing to bet you would find more funky things from watching paradoks demos with the wallhack, and the argument will hold true since he also uses gl.

the reason that i believe he isnt cheating is because i saw nothing that showed him using the wallhack. if you played the game with more of a "i know he is using wallhack, lets see what i can do it make him use it" sense and not make noises pointlessly at times (grabbing sg shells at lower ga tunnel), then it may have shown up. who knows :(
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 13:25
its not "funky things" which im looking for though.. ive played vs paradoks, ive played vs griffin, ive played vs dag, etc, and i know they dont use wallhack. i even played vs slikwh0re last night, like im rusty as shit and all that, we were on 90 vs 100 ping, and i didnt win by much.. in the first game it looked like i was gonna lose until the last 2 mins, in fact.. but i could tell from sliks reactions that he doesnt use wallhack. animalboy does. simple as that. remember, i had not even seen the demos when i first accused animalboy of wallhack.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 13:26
reactions as in, in-game reaction time, btw.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 13:29
Well, gaming style is always something to consider... he is a brazillian quaker who moved to usa and learned a bit by playing def/devious often...
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 13:39
yes but ive played in brazil and usa too..

its not his style im questioning, its certain judgements he makes in-game, and more importantly, his initial reaction time. thats the biggest sign of wallhack btw, no matter who i play, they always have a "human" reaction time for the initial shot, then the really good players have better aim/movement etc etc, but the initial human reaction time in every single human ive ever played has always been similar.. the only time its different is with wallhack or aimbot.

Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 13:45
but like i said, its hard to prove, and animalboy seems to have already convinced most people that he doesnt use wallhack without even lifting a finger, in the sense that he didnt use webcam, software, or any other method, to try and show hes not using wallhack.
i even suggested that we both play each other with wallhack for one game, just to see how he does.. like i said before, i dont think his skill will increase, but mine(and most other peoples) will increase by a big amount with wallhack..
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 14:03
And by the way, devious, you sack of black shit. Where did you "wooj" me? What are you talking abuot? I don't even think people understand what youre saying half the time. What the hell is a "rpe" anyway? A rocket propelled ego? Cause thats what I think you have, that and an empty skull.

Most of your posts consist of garbled, caps-locked babble in some alien language. And the few times you tried to make a move on me, I put you back in your place.

So either stfu, or at least get one of your faggot friends to construct your insults for you.

Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 14:25
"he never knew about me before, play, lost and think im just some random newbie that need to cheat to own him" - this is wrong, the first time i played you animalboy i had a 40 ping, he had 120, the score was 33 - 2 on dm6, then we played dm4 and he gave up 2 minutes into the game. then i asked him if he used wallhack, kindof joking like, and he said no. but even then i kindof thought that he used wallhack, although i couldnt be sure cos he had never got control during the games, so i couldnt guage his reaction time with weapons really. but he did play kindof weird on dm4, and i just looked at the dm4 demo from my pov, he does have a wallhack style on dm4 for sure. the kind that someone who is actually pretty shit at quake, plays like, if they are given wallhack.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 14:26
oh, and the 2 he got on dm6 was cos of telefrag :)
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 14:28
(keeping in mind that he was 120 ping vs 40, which meant he couldnt really get control cos i just beat him in fights all the time.. the demos from 2 nights ago posted here are 80 ping vs 110)
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 14:38
*AnM* Zip
omg koopa,
crying yet?

Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 15:25
devious = god. that is all.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 15:43
def from uk (famous one etc)
i vouch for koopa here, some of us have known about animalboys "obvious" wallhacking antics for quite awhile now and hes only recently fixed his f_modified (full of hacked models), the reason you might not see it so easily in the 1v1's is because he knew we were watching out for it and he knew it would end up on chtv.
But like i say we spotted this awhile ago, and its not like we watch paradocks and go "OH HE MUST BE CHEATING", animalboy was a bit obvious.
also in the 2v2 i played vs him on dm2, he was pretty shit, but then having a wallhack on dm2 2v2 is not quite the same as 1v1. i think he got 1 frag more then me but i had the legendary ]FS[MIXU on my team, so go figure :/
ive only played vs animalboy in 2v2's/3v3's and we usually walk over him, also he makes it pretty obvious he has something to hide by being so hostile and defensive and the fact he could supposedly go and prove everyone wrong if he wanted to but won't.
even if you dont watch any of the demos you can still make an educated guess from the arguement.
come on guys wake up! :<

devious vibe with me and tune into the bollocks channel

p.s sorry about my bad english im from england
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 15:45
imho, koopa is just unbelievable lol. i think he's mad because he was using his own wallhack and still got beat k like one of my hookers getting beat by potential johns k

from what i saw in that dm6 demo, koopa was just lollerspanked from the lolleRA, to the lollerplatform, all the way down to the lollermega k. in my honest to god humble opinion blessed by dvs almighty, they should just call him "lolpa" k

and as far as phil is concerned, plz. you're seriously -$. i don't think i've seen anyone as quite as ez as you before in the existance of gaming. if ez'ness were bricks, phil, you'd be a fuckin housing project. i mean seriously, if ez'ness was to be read like a book, you'd be a 93847598475 page novel.

Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 16:12
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 16:13
sam ?
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 16:13
sam is that you ?
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 16:44
qw =dead
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 16:54
no, actually animalboy quit after like the first fight when i played with my own wallhack, i was owning the fuck out of him
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 17:02
279. def from uk (famous one etc) on 2003-08-14 15:43:46 . Email: Send

"i vouch for koopa here, some of us have known about animalboys "obvious" wallhacking antics for quite awhile now and hes only recently fixed his f_modified (full of hacked models)" -uk.def

wow, what a stupid comment, anyone who uses fuhquake and doesn't setup the security module will have that response, i know that and i have barely touched fuhquake, as for koopa, i suck now in qw, and animalboy will typically beat me, so saying u beat me afterwards doesn't say much either
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 17:10
paradoks got cut cheating before? are u guys going for 300?
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 17:19
uk.def (the peoples favorite)
lol ward, nice the way you pick 1 comment out of that. (+ u dont know what mdls he had zzz)
i dont use fuhquake or any of the new age quake hack stuff because im gay :<
But isnt it a bit odd that we pick this one guy as a wallhack and nobody else, and that koopa thinks its obvious as well? and the fact that animalboy wont prove it to us? use your brain?

anyone on animalboys side just knows that it can never be "officaly proved" and you know that animalboy will never prove it to us, so your just using this as a zzz way to sound importent and more knowledgeable.

id like to hear somebody who can acctually play qw comment on this (no offence ward), but im guessing they dont want to get there "rep" dirty :/

if i was animalboy and innocent id of gone and played in software, but its never gonna happen is it.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 17:21
haha def... true i played unbelievably lol, it was 2on1, you did well. I can't actually say that animalboy rapes UK def easy, considering he nearly won a 2on1, lost by 3 frags or something. Both plainly said it to me b4, that he is using some kind of cheat etc, in the end i got flan'd ;/
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 17:47
def (from the slum)
doesnt anyone wish hangtime would post?
hes good looking and had a modem ping of 95
he'd probaly sum the whole argument up with one binary comment.
thats if #32. dident already :\
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 18:17
instead of flaming, why don't you sorry piss drunk fucks go play something? or get go visit your g/f or something? oh yeah..sorry..me and dvs cleaned out all ur hoes..sorry :/

in that case, go play qw or something
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 18:18
oh yeah, that, and koopa likes unprotected sex with dirty euro males.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 18:20
Deftronic wtf is your problem you tool, your the only one that is flaming so pls STFU K. and stop pasting us all with that fucking euro bullshit
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 18:30
deftronic u have some serious attitude problem
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 18:40
def (uk/ru)
[00:39] -mixu- DCC Send mypic.exe (

Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 18:41
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 18:42
i have been told animalboy has wallhack from his friends.

sorry ab:(

koopa wins gg
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 18:44
ward try and understand what the other guy is saying before posting, i said "i only barely beat him" as in, "he could have won, yet i never called him wallhack"

deftronic what are you trying to tell us, that you like protected sex with euro males, as opposed to unprotected? what the fuck are you going on about like, its like some retard coming in here with gardening tips, "HOW TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR YOUNG TULIP BULBS", we dont want to know, piss off, thanks.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 18:45
Deftronic (from the doomshack of $$$ dea
#293. i rpe u stfu.

#294. i rpe u stfu.

i can't put it any more simple than that. stfu.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 18:50
Ci?inas ?mad?nos, ffs. Mura, toil m? f?inne na gIRA agus toil siad tar chun do bhaile agus ith siad t? do bricfeasta k. st?d na nua, leimh na facta k
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 18:50
300 gg
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 18:54
rofl #299, you could'nt rape a nun tied up in chains, HAHAHAHAHAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. seriously, stop being BNEW
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 18:55
oh yeah, and koopa, ur a fgt who can't stand losing, so you blame it on anm's superior brazilian quake playing intelligence. here in america, that's what we call "lol" kthx stfu
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 18:56
Deftronic (from the ghetto of california
mixu you fuckin faggot, you can't even spell newb ffs, and your little idiot comments are supposed to offend me? stfu kthx
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 18:57
I just thought it would only be ethical to lighten the mood with the some qw humour. Hope you enjoy

<bulletworm> ur posed to bind rounds

Oh and im american so no flames please it hurts my eyes.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 18:57
I dont really care much about this anymore but i figure we're only 10 away from beating paradoks/bronx demo so might as well...

uk.def, first off all i'd just like to say ur a retard who's blindly backing koopa, but ill address ur stupid points anyway...

#1 Animalboy doesn't have to prove anything to anyone, the ones that have to prove it are u retards that are saying he cheats. and by seeing everyone elses opinion u have totally failed at that.

#2 I'd rape you at qw

#3 For a period of time, i played animalboy almost every day in qw and q3. 1on1, 2on2, 3on3, 4on4, and i have never felt like i was playing anything but a darn good quake player. No one has ever accused him of anything. The only thing thats keeping people here from calling Koopa a complete and utter idiot is the fact that before this, koopa has had a reputation for being a respectable player. I assure you that if some no-name player accused animalboy and showed this demo as proof, people would laugh at him and call him an idiot. The next time koopa accuses someone of cheating, no one will take it seriously
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 18:57
and also, mixu, if you were funny, you wouldn't have to laugh at your own jokes AHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAAHHAHA
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 18:58
deftronic, you are seriously like an 'un-cool devious wannabe'. Please stfu and stop trying so hard to be cool, it comes naturally, but of course not in all cases, as you have proved.


Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 18:58
Deftronic (of the basement of ez ownage)
well said mister ward
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 18:59
bnew is a term, for VERY NEW. i rest my case
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 18:59
Deftronic (away from the house of euro f
mixu, why don't you play me 1v1 any respectable game, and we'll see how far you get..fgt
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 19:01
work is over, and i have a g/f at home, wish i could say the same for you mixu, fgt

ttyl guys 8)
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 19:02
rofl, now your ripping of def's amusing title in his nick name ? k wannabe :/
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 19:03
ward, ive got no reason to blindly back koopa tho.
and it was me and someone who spotted animialboys very wallhack style play.

so if animal boy doesnt have to prove anything, can we all just walk around using wallhacks? and say "oh well i dont have to prove anything, theres no way u can prove it"

see ward what your saying is, its fine for us all to cheat, as long as nobody can prove it.

#2 rape me at qw? KIK! I DONT THINK SO ROFL

#3 rolf harris
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 19:03
i have your mom here on a table top, she is'nt a gf but she aint bad at t-rex, might keep me amused for a few seconds etc... hopefully we wont see another deftronic junior, sickening etc. 1on1 chess? sure
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 19:05
Mixu i asked for no flames retard !
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 19:08
YO ward man can you get your hand out of animals pocket its hurting my eyes. woosh 360 drunk feel the love in the room
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 19:08
ward, first off all i'd just like to say ur a retard who's blindly backing animalboy, but ill address ur stupid points anyway...

#1 animalboy refuses to do anything that would allay our suspicions, totally. why is he being so uncooperative?

#2 I'd rape you at qw

#3 For a period of time, you played animalboy almost every day in qw and q3. 1on1, 2on2, 3on3, 4on4, and you have never felt like i was playing anything but a darn good quake player, but that means FUCK ALL because you probably couldnt catch a wallhack anyway. No one has ever accused him of anything - this is just plain not true, even other players like cholo said they accused him, and i wasnt even the first in ie/uk to accuse him of wallhack. get your facts right. The only thing thats keeping people here from calling Koopa a complete and utter idiot is the fact that koopa has never wrongly accused anyone of wallhack yet, everyone he has accused has eventually been proven to have had hacks. The next time koopa accuses someone of cheating, it will be exactly the same as this time, because this time has been exactly the same as last time i accused someone of cheating, and that was exctly the same as the time before that too.

thank you for your time boys n girls
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 19:16
Face facts u brazilian retards, ure all fuckin homosexual spastics. Now shut the fuck up and go back and play with my small teeny tiny dicks cos god knows a woman doesnt want u with faces like ronaldo or ronaldino. Case Closed, Brazil = Analed.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 19:18
imo there should be a brazilian qhlan qualifier (like wcg has) cuz i guess qw'ers from here coluld play as well as eu players :]
to qhlan organizers: get some sponsors and make qw 'globalized' again :D
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 19:19
nahh its nothing to do with brazilians, i know some decent brazilians.. its just his friends that are being totally anal, coupled with something like 90% of people just being undecided, makes a bad combination
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 19:21
it was the same with moose, all his friends stuck up for him, but there were still some decent portuguese who didnt just blindly decide that because moose was .pt, they had to side with him
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 19:28
[01:27] <Erc_Serra> ? Thanks for the +v ?
[01:28] <envi-> no thank you

Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 19:44
doob i think that would be impossible... the costs for bringing just one brazilian or au player or someone.. would be like the same amount of the total prize money in all tournaments together :) but it sure would be fun!.. "qw skill isnt limited to a specific geographical aera" like someone said (dont remember who).. but still its always fun to compare countries etc... like all swedes wants a swede to win and fins a fin to win etc...
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 19:46
samsung, intel, asus, amd.. PLEASE!
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 19:51
im from uk and i never want a uk player to win
i want forsberg to win
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 19:52
lol doob, asus :))
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 19:56
Ok now its time to stop being polite...
Koopa ur a newbie who got humiliated at qhlan, and ur best years are behind you. Scandinavians make fun of you and your 1 map wonder rep. Your country, much like you, is an ugly piece of $h1t.
When u came back to play again, u got raped by animalboy with 40 ms greater than you. I wouldn't like to see a game with even ping because it would probably be 2ez2demo. The simple fact is that animalboy humiliated you and u wanted to seek retribution for cheating. You think your a god or something that people have to prove themselves too; your more like an aging boxer who's fought one fight too many. I hope you pay dearly for the time you've made us waste replying to ur stupid accusations on this demo. thank you

Oh yea, and, I had sex with your mother.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 20:03
slik, how was he humiliated? he is stronger on dm4 than dm6, sense.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 20:30
OMG you lot. Still going strong on this thread.

Slik --> if Koopa's such a useless player, why were you in #nd the other day begging for dm4 lessons from him?

Nexus --> The Brazilian love god Ronaldinho makes love like "like a pneumatic drill" http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2002/06/21/1023864493492.html

Deftronic --> shut up.

Anyway let's see what Strider says about this.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 20:34
you qw'ers have issues.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 20:42
"297. hangtime on 2003-08-14 18:42:39 . Email: None

i have been told animalboy has wallhack from his friends."

Well I read this and I was going to say OMG LOOK EVEN HANGTIME WHO HAS CREDIBILITY SAYS HE HACKS OMG OMG WTF 2EZ K? But then I remembered...I really couldn't give a fuck.

then I remembered....I really couldn't give a fuck!

Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 20:44
ah fuck I didn't mean that second "really couldn't give a fuck." Time to sleep I think.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 20:57
and lets all ignore that the hangtime post was from serox
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 20:57
rev, you bring peace and love to us qwlings.

Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 21:04
http://www.quakeplayers.org/~pqwca/files/fuhquake002.jpg for just one example..
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 21:29
lol ward, you think i give a toss what you think of me?
you may as well give me tips on how to play badminton instead of wasting your time replying here, its amazing how you keep bringing up this one point of how "i must be accusing him of wallhack because i lost", despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary, in every game i have ever lost before.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 21:35
uh dont know if this is relevant or not
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 22:31
where i can reach u koopa? irc what server and channel plz i need to talk to u.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 22:36
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 22:49
cholo, go to irc.quakenet.eu.org
and join channel #nd
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 00:13
im sorry , isnt cholo a faggot? just checkin
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 00:15
mixu stop getting on deftronic so bad , hes probably one of my best and longest friends k , and besides , even if he IS dvs jr , which he is of course , can you blame him ?! , i mean , im dvs , what nwb doesnt wanna be like the original rpist of nwbs k , $$$$?
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 00:50
Often the people that use the cheats or even claim to have them on their pcs for educational purposes become disillusioned when they get owned by people from other nations.

When they become too used to winning against their local competition any loss becomes a denial. If you didn't have the cheats on your hd i would say you wouldn't be so quick to spam about cheats

i saw the demo, you lost, deal with it.
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 01:00
lol.. you think i would lose to him if i WAS cheating?

i can play with cheats if you want, i'll be impressed if he gets more than 2-3 frags.
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 01:01
anonymous btw i have played and sometimes won, sometimes lost, vs just about everyone. i have not called them wallhacks tho. your argument shows your ignorance, nothing more
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 01:29
animalboy probably does cheat. his whole faggot clan mafia cheats. zeus cheats, and here's the demo to prove it: http://home.earthlink.net/~quakeworld

i'm sure the rest of the maf nerds cheat as well.
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 02:09
koopa, i just want u to show me the exact minute of game that u get ur conclusion that i was cheating, than i can try to make my sw mode work, i move the cpu from position to the webcam film the screen whatever u want ok? but just show me the exact demo time.... just this, this is all i am asking u to do... prove me and than i prove u

from the other posts, i wont lose my time replying every fkn post, im just back from a 8 hour blackout.. :(

show me, if u are convincent to anyone i play u again ok? :)

kisses :*
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 02:23
true devious $$$$$$$$$
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 03:26
#261, koopa, yeah ur right, but i think 90% of the community counts a lil more than u and ur 3 friends... so i think everyone prefers the 90% of the community than a 10%.

#271, koopa, i dont think u can take conclusions from my reactions, ur a doctor or something, do u study pscicology? oh ok, so please, its not that simple as u think, i`ve been raised in a total diffent culture as u, yeah, i was born and raised in brasil if u dont know yet, try to ask someone in brasil how is the qw community there... than u can stuck ur phd in pscicology in ur ass...

#273, phil, do u play quake?

#276, koopa, u really think i had any chance against a player that didnt even get rl and only used lg against a 120ms? ok... ur smart!

#285, koopa, i quit when the game was 0-0, and i really cant compete against a player with wallhack since i never used one and u had a 40ms adavantage ping.

#274, koopa, the fact that i played 3 games b4 with u doesnt mean that u know some shit about my qw history, like i said, go ask someone that really knows me, ask doob, or one of ur brasilian friends, if u really know someone and ur not creating all of this, please tell me who their are, i sure know all brasilian players, and all brasilian players know me. and dont come here say i never got controls of the games cause if u watch the demos u will notice that 80% of the time i have ra and my, so if u dont think this is the domain of the map, start playin qw again.

#314, def, u can use wallhack against me, it would be more fun play against u since ur too ez even with 20ms, fkn newbie.

#321, i wanna know the name of the brasilian guys that u know please, and i think ur the only one that still thinks 90% is undecided. ur the only one that is still undecided.
like kovaak said, ""i know he is using wallhack, lets see what i can do it make him use it" sense and not make noises pointlessly at times (grabbing sg shells at lower ga tunnel), then it may have shown up. who knows :( " u really should had made that, but u took every fkn amo box in the map why would i be dumb and dont use this in my advantage, i bet any good player would play the same as i did with 110 ms against a lg whore with 70ms... if u notice the demos, the only times u kill me are lg whoring, so please, stop with all this bs, and admit u were wrong, for ur 1st time, but u were...

uk.def, ur a newbie, thats the only thing i can say to u, i wont even reply ur message, cause that day, after u got beaten 5 times u started calling me AND mixu cheaters, so please, words from a newbie and bad loser like u doesnt mean anyshit to all the qw community. so go stuck ur hand into ur ass please :)

#347. i never talked to any of the mafia members if u wanna believe me, i just joined mafia cause devious asked me for, i had no idea that they had a cheater fame, so dont blame me, i never played ca in us, please, stop with the bull...

Friday 15 Aug 2003, 03:38
uk.def ( back through pouplar demand)
animalboy, you little hero you. ive never played on 20 ms in my life its nearer 30. also ive only been low ping for a month but id still kick your thighs in a duel so shh. (puts ego back down)
also you've lost the percentage of 2v2's you've played vs me and tulip.
ive read quite alot about pshycology (but cant spell it)and your not really acting innocent man :/
infact your almost over-compensating. and as for the public 90% or whatever your going on about, the public watches eastenders and pop idol!? LETS ALL MARCH INTO THE LIGHT!!!!!
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 03:39
only 149 more guys
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 03:40
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 03:41
uk.def ( back through pouplar demand)
omg is there a limit?! stop wasting them! OH SHIT 1!!?!111111rrr
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 03:45
#351, if i duel u, u must be that guy that lost the 2v2 for me and my brasilian clanmate, even with ms avrg 200 and ur team 40ms zzzz, ok def, u own! fkn newbie
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 03:54
uk.def (back with zero spelling skills)
animalboy what are you talking about?
i played u as rob the other day but i had mixu on my team so your team won :<
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 04:10
i never said that you cheated in that game koopa i said

people that use the cheats or even claim to have them on their pcs for educational purposes become disillusioned when they lose games when they are normally used to winning

what i got from watching that demo was he spams prediction spam alot

the time when you were both 2-2 he was a ra he spams the entrance to ra where the nailgun is but you come from the other entrance and suprise him

if he is using a wall hack then it seems pretty useless to fire the other entrance to ra

there is also a time when it happens again in the last two minutes you come into the ra from the 2x health entrance but he spams the other ra entrance where the nailgun is.

You lost the game from the 3 or so unlucky respawns at ga and it went downhill from there.
You run into alot of spam.

Friday 15 Aug 2003, 04:15
ugh anonymous you have to read the 356 comments intensly man, like a bible. in it somewhere im not sure where, but it gets mentioned that animalboy is aware of the demo going to chtv so decides to do the odd spam shot for no reason to make things look legit.

cant wait for someone like paradoks to come along and muck up the formatting to this page.
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 04:52
ok, i agreed to play koopa again, and guess what, he won!! YAY KOOPA, too bad you were
wallhacking, yeah yeah people, i know he was wallhacking, i asked mur, the admin of the
server to snap both of us b4 the match and he told us he would do it, that made me
happy, i was gonna end all this bs and prove to everyone that im not cheating, look at
the screenshot me and mur talking about the snaps!


he agreed to take the snaps from both of us, otherwise i wouldn't play koopa. the game
ends, koopa rpes my ass up... 9 to 2, damn i was sad, now everyone is gonna think i
wallhack B< but anyways, i wanted the snaps and i asked mur! and guess what...


he didn't take the snaps :-( too bad koopa, now the cheater here is u, i know he was
wallhacking, i already got 2 brazilian people that were wallhacking, i know when
someone is hacking and i've never been wrong, i know 100% that koopa was wallhacking
against me! now koopa, please prove urself the same way, i wanna see the webcam.
btw how much did u pay mur to not take the snaps? :-(

gg's koopa!

and koopa, i still wanna know the name of the brasilian guys that u know, im curious as fuck :D

btw, how much did u pay mur to not take the snaps? :(
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 05:23
uk.def (<-)
eh nevermind all that animalboy, did you see what else is in that dir?

is that blitz on the right? ^
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 05:35
yeah def, i also saw a picture of ur dad, that bitchass faggot


btw. thats now blitz!
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 05:46
uk.def (->)
when this all blows over man, im gonna miss our little spats :/
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 06:16
animalboy wanna play me with wallhack? come to server.. youll see me with wallhack..

(i wasnt wallhacking that game, but if you want to play me with wallhack then come on)

and this time both pings were 108, i used qizmo to get the extra 30ms.
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 06:21
koopa you are still the best dm4 player in Europe.
U sure beat da shit out of skandinavian playerz.
Fuck yea koopa owNza
Koopa OWNED Griffin. Theres a demo on this site if u dont beleive!!!
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 06:24
i put it up here http://www.challenge-tv.com/index.php?mode=demodetail&demo=20544&dl=3
so you can check for wallhacks.
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 06:27
killer, thx for your support,
but i dont think there is really any best, theres too much luck + sometimes youre just playing shit etc.
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 10:12
#343. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

#366. pwmed?

and to all of you other euro fgts, viva brazil k $$$
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 10:29
Deftronic (the ultimate gringo)
and #364, get off koopa's clit, it won't do you any good to suck up you fuckin clown.

besides, who wants to be on koopa's jock anyhow? he's got a 3 inch clitoris that smells like old yogurt :/
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 12:36
hahaahhapk0uojop[9huo[ $$$
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 13:12
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 14:16
to add some more fuel to the fire, why is your screenshot from after the game #231 and your screenshots from before the game were #232 and #233? EOAOUH!?
to add more to it, screenshots of just maps dont show anything, the opengl hack can be modified to only show players through the wall, so you could have just been looking in a place where koopa wasnt!
aside from that, you blatantly weren't hacking.
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 14:17
Ladies and Gentlemen, this forum has come to an end, the final score.... 'gg' to 'koopa'
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 14:22
Ok well, since I am the resident devious/devious groupie basher, I feel it is my responsibility to hereby summarily own the aforementioned.

"if ez'ness were bricks, phil, you'd be a fuckin housing project" That's so sad. I pretty much introduced the "if *** were bricks youd have your own project" into the qwca scene. Everybody knows my raucious statements, and that is one of many that I hold in my repertoure. Now, maybe you have to go stealing other peoples jokes, but for the sake of your own credibility don't steal the jokes of the person youre using them again.

Go fuck yourselves.

Here's for 400.
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 14:31
400 isnt too far away...
and phil is quite the retard.
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 14:56
Kovaak your mom is so NICE... she gives me and my friends a discount.

Friday 15 Aug 2003, 15:10
Deftronic (phils daddy k)
sorry motherfucker..that came straight outta the slambook 1997 k

eat it bitch

besides, when have you ever seen me idle in any of your lollerchannels? or talk to you on aim/icq/yahoo? ...never? s'what i thought, hoe-bitch.

and for the sake of my own credibility, am i ez?
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 15:12
Kovaak i had to put up with looking at your quakecon picture from last year, thats about as bad as it gets. Are you sure that you and paradoks arent related ?
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 15:14
Where the fuck did that come frmo slik, I didn't flame you? Go take your paxil before you get kicked out of mafia or break up the clan entirely.
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 15:21
#376 , 2ez. kov , slik has a point , you are one hefty mofo tho , B<
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 15:25
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 15:26
Deftronic..back by demand
and yeah..laffvak is teh fats k :/
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 15:28
i weigh 225 and im 6'6... more proportional than some ide say... but whatever you say, dvs
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 15:29
to clarify for euros - 225 lbs, 6 feet 6 inches
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 15:43
hahaha deftronic rpes hahahahahaha

kovaak, u still fat with 225lbs :( sorry... this is like 110kg :O
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 15:45
actually..that's not fat :P

i'm 5'11" and i weigh 214

but if you ask dvs, i'm beefy yo, mad gunz on these arms
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 15:50
and yeah..to clarify for you Euros, that's 5 feet 11 inches, 214lbs
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 16:04
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 18:08
Deftronic (by and for the peons)
just a last second question to devious, slik, kovaak, and anyone else of equal or greater ez'ness...

..seriously..am i 2ez4u? and if so, plz explain.
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 19:51
ye , no explanation ,ur just ez. and deft , uve never seen a pic of kovaak , he has like the biggest tummy and that fucking plumpest cheeks ive ever seen , ur just tall and skinny and shit , its lol , this nwb is really fat and i doubt hes really 6'6 , hes just saying that so all these nwbs will fear him , hes probably 5'4
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 21:06
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 21:24
kov 1v1 seriously? any map?
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 21:36
no, im talking 1v1 flood
i flood you, you flood me
wtf do you think im talking about
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 21:41
ill rpe you on dm4 fatvaak
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 21:57
meu deus q confus?o!!
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 22:12
just like you rape slik's pathetic qw ass on dm6? oh wait, even he beats you there now. do you have any skills in any game sans cpma cpm3a? 1 gamed-1 map wonder
Friday 15 Aug 2003, 22:39
(23:32:08) ?? quit: (mez) (yterytery@adsl-211-142-144.mia.bellsouth.net) (Quit: Closing Link: adsl-34-95-50.mia.bellsouth.net am_i_ez (Killed (AdminServ (ur2ez))))

lol? we didnt even request that :>
Saturday 16 Aug 2003, 01:26
you wanna know whats a 1 map wonder? , thats a 1 map wonder bitch , now i suggest you stfu unless you'd like to get owned again
Saturday 16 Aug 2003, 01:37
yea, i realized i was a retard for posting from my real ip
hoped you wouldnt catch it
too bad i already got a new ip :<
now stfu
Saturday 16 Aug 2003, 01:52
Saturday 16 Aug 2003, 01:52
wrong window
Saturday 16 Aug 2003, 02:24
Saturday 16 Aug 2003, 02:32
you got a new ip huh? shall we find out? $$
Saturday 16 Aug 2003, 02:50
can't just everybody stay in their own region ?
amerikens in america
euros in europe
and braziliens and the rest of the world where ever they come from/are
would make things sooo much easier
Saturday 16 Aug 2003, 02:52
Saturday 16 Aug 2003, 02:52
Saturday 16 Aug 2003, 03:07
no jogi!

we must flame and fight and waste time online

Saturday 16 Aug 2003, 03:08
and be ez.
Saturday 16 Aug 2003, 03:08
ez. Be.
Saturday 16 Aug 2003, 06:03
Grrrrr! im full of hate! baconlegs koopa smells - i smelt him yesterday- wot u have to remember is, who the fuck is bert anyway ? wot yellow gate?
Saturday 16 Aug 2003, 07:44
haha its hilarious that this demo already got 400+ comments. just get it out of ur head he didnt maphack
Saturday 16 Aug 2003, 10:44
jogi.. doesnt matter.. it's mostly just usa going at each other here... ive noticed that have been the case other times too on chtv :) they spam each other with the most useless crap there is.. but i guess they think its fun.. and some is also fun for us readers :) im holding phil as the winner atm... but devious is a close 2 :)
Saturday 16 Aug 2003, 12:31
"no jogi!

we must flame and fight and waste time online

:(" - phil

you musn't forget flood too! (notice devious flaunting the ip i had a good 12 hours before he posted that msg and how he says he will get my new one... now that is pure $$$$)
Saturday 16 Aug 2003, 12:39
eat my bacon stick keyser
Saturday 16 Aug 2003, 12:44
before ppl start flame brazilian, our ip (100%) started with "200."
Saturday 16 Aug 2003, 13:53
it's shit like this that keeps QW alive :)

Saturday 16 Aug 2003, 17:50
$wift $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Saturday 16 Aug 2003, 21:58
ATQWT.. :)
Saturday 16 Aug 2003, 22:25
k did'nt work
Sunday 17 Aug 2003, 06:05
gnz is sexy
As the QuakeWorld Turns ? :o
Sunday 17 Aug 2003, 06:32
Sunday 17 Aug 2003, 15:43
bill clinton will be turning in his grave
Monday 18 Aug 2003, 02:29
um , bill clinton isnt even dead
Monday 18 Aug 2003, 04:11
this is gay
Monday 18 Aug 2003, 10:35
i am a gay cunt
Monday 18 Aug 2003, 10:36
i love bill clinton
Monday 18 Aug 2003, 10:36
i want bill clinton sexually
Monday 18 Aug 2003, 10:36
i wouldnt mind his dad in a 3some :o
Monday 18 Aug 2003, 15:57
Monday 18 Aug 2003, 19:48
hi mom!
429th post.
Monday 18 Aug 2003, 21:26
if bill clinton's not dead, then who's that in my basement? :<
Monday 18 Aug 2003, 23:48
your mom on wooden stilts.
Tuesday 19 Aug 2003, 01:34
Tuesday 19 Aug 2003, 01:34
Tuesday 19 Aug 2003, 10:17



Tuesday 19 Aug 2003, 16:36
just for the sake of phil's credibility..

is he ez? :O
Tuesday 19 Aug 2003, 17:45

shut up plz.
Tuesday 19 Aug 2003, 17:48
btw...that last post WAS me k. forgot to make the post $$$ by including my name k. sorry k.
Tuesday 19 Aug 2003, 19:18
stfu k.
Tuesday 19 Aug 2003, 20:44
Deviou$...k $$$
Wednesday 20 Aug 2003, 02:36
deftsexic is my life partner
Wednesday 20 Aug 2003, 10:03

and btw, SOMEBODY ANSWER #435 ALREADY GOD (anybody but fistfuck phil)
Thursday 21 Aug 2003, 01:19

Thursday 21 Aug 2003, 15:45
k..just checkin ;)
Thursday 21 Aug 2003, 17:41
Thursday 21 Aug 2003, 17:42
Friday 22 Aug 2003, 10:52
Sunday 24 Aug 2003, 08:46
no deal
Sunday 24 Aug 2003, 08:48
Bacon Rasher
more Keyser demos, he owns!!
(btw honestly this isnt Keyser posting this, no honest it isnt, seriously - the ip above is different HONEST! look)
Sunday 24 Aug 2003, 20:13
just like you rape slik's pathetic qw ass on dm6? oh wait, even he beats you there now. do you have any skills in any game sans cpma cpm3a? 1 gamed-1 map wonder -kovaak

if you think im pathetic on dm6, lets just play and let everyone see for themselves. as far as 1 game 1 map wonder, i think thats your rep w/ dm4 isn't it? Your nothing special at any other map or teams. I also have seen you play quake3 and ur terrible at that. dvs is probably 50 times better at qw than you are at q3, and he owns at q3 also.
Sunday 24 Aug 2003, 20:13
rr|kovaak wasn't it?
Monday 25 Aug 2003, 10:05
Deftaleftabeftronic k
rr|kovaak it was. and just the fact that he played for team redrum is proof enough he's no good :P
Wednesday 27 Aug 2003, 10:11
Wednesday 03 Sep 2003, 15:17
am i lol
Friday 05 Sep 2003, 07:17
Saturday 06 Sep 2003, 11:21
Friday 12 Sep 2003, 20:00
envi in a bush
Wednesday 24 Sep 2003, 15:46
Haven't watch the demo yet, but purely on Koopa's reputation I can already confirm that ANIMALBOY IS A CHEATER!

Saturday 27 Sep 2003, 02:47
lol finally i can go to sleep!
Saturday 27 Sep 2003, 07:09
me too
I justed wanted to join in on the fun
Thursday 16 Oct 2003, 11:45
koopa u gotta prove beyond reasonable doubt that animalboy is cheating..seems like there's still plenty of doubt. anm is innocent until proven guilty remember that
Saturday 06 Dec 2003, 10:24
bando de gringo pato!!!
Sunday 04 Jan 2004, 01:04

pov koopa .. koopa use wallhack?
Sunday 14 Mar 2004, 17:56
I stopped reading after the 12 comment :) so um.. yeah.. I guess I wanted to make a comment on the most commented demo :P PEACE!
Tuesday 16 Mar 2004, 20:21
$t33...k ?

Tuesday 21 Sep 2004, 07:03
I havent read anything.
Sunday 31 Oct 2004, 16:19
boy from poland
gdziesz tylt pisac
why ?
Saturday 20 Nov 2004, 10:50
i'm gay
Wednesday 24 Nov 2004, 16:42
I mean wtf? Koopa, why put a wallhacked qw client up for public d/l, do u really wanna see qw die that bit sooner? U might say that every1 has it anyway, but that wasnt true til now (I just d/l it to have a look for meself if I think this guy is cheating, and tbh its hard to say; at first glance I thought yeh, it does look like it, then I watched a few demos of diff players wiv this client, and a lot u could call for wallhacking if u wanted to believe it .If he wanted to look obvious and still get caught by surprise and lose some frags then he did a good job.. myself I think hes just doing what a lot of us do subconciously, and keepin the mouse roughly towards where he thinks the other player is.. ).. BUT back to the subject of the wallhack client.. after watching the demo I connected as spec to a server some of my friends were on, and omg, it works online :(( Why put this up just to satisfy your desire to be the sherlock holmes of qw? It really aint necessary, if u have to be a hero then do it as an avi ffs, now wallhack is more widespread than it was an I gonna have to do an f_modified every time I join a server? thx gg.
Tuesday 21 Dec 2004, 05:28
HARDK0RE for sure
merry christmas
Thursday 30 Dec 2004, 08:35
random googler
Haha, this is great. Go Koopa.
Thursday 27 Jan 2005, 16:59
it was me faking as animalboy and using wallhack :<<<<<
Friday 13 May 2005, 23:08
it was me faking koopa loosing vs animalboy =(
Wednesday 20 Jul 2005, 06:43
it was me faking me ..
Thursday 29 Sep 2005, 09:55
i heard devious is doing 15 years for rapeing a 13 year old white hoe :(
devious $$$$
Saturday 05 Nov 2005, 01:00
Wednesday 28 Dec 2005, 15:29
True look
The winner: biggest moran is Devious.And olso gey who wont rappe phil.
btw the cheats are for loosers.
Friday 30 Dec 2005, 15:23
Yes that true.
Monday 23 Jan 2006, 15:07
How come I didn't notice so BIG DRAMA?!?!
And who won? who used wallhack finally? Koopa r u 8) ?
Monday 20 Mar 2006, 04:34
Tjallu :l
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