Team Deathmatch (DM3)
  • C• _Fu_
  • Bamsen _Fu_
  • Dis _Fu_
  • F-oc-U
  • pars•armen
  • pars•mehmet
  • pars•reza
  • pars_roz
Rating: 4.6 (18 votes)
20 minutes, Deathmatch 1, Teamplay 2
Mon 20 October 2003 on EUnet Z Team #1
low avg high team total players RA YA Quad Pent Ring
16 36 62 iran 224 4 43 28 16 3 4
13 16 19 -fu- 80 4 6 26 4 1 0
ping pl frags team name Kills TKs Deaths RA YA QUAD PENT RING
26 0 65 iran pars•armen 69 3 24 11 8 4 3 0
16 0 64 iran pars•mehmet 68 4 12 13 4 3 0 0
40 0 48 iran pars•reza 51 3 33 10 12 8 0 3
62 3 47 iran pars_roz 48 0 28 9 4 1 0 1
14 0 30 -fu- F-oc-U 33 0 76 4 10 0 0 0
14 2 21 -fu- Bamsen _Fu_ 21 0 60 1 5 0 0 0
19 1 16 -fu- C• _Fu_ 22 0 70 1 6 3 1 0
13 0 13 -fu- Dis _Fu_ 16 1 53 0 5 1 0 0
14 0 spectator miLTon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
49 0 spectator ejEct 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
66 0 spectator fiery 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
106 0 spectator spoque 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 84.2 pars•mehmet
Frag Streak 60 pars•mehmet
Quad Runner 10 pars_roz
Spawn Fragger 6 pars•mehmet
Unluckiest Spawner 9 F-oc-U
Monday 20 Oct 2003, 16:28
Heh.. you don't know if it was prac or not? Yet you played in it huh? Nice try mehmet, or Xerial.

May I quote whimp from another thread concerning this "Clan Iran":
"This is exactly, as the time I started a "fake" clan (Rayze, Columbo, FunkyB, Insane) back in the old days. We were skilled, but our behaviour were totally n00bish. We beat TVS on DM2 back then, with mm3 and ping 15 and left the server immediately . Then I became 12 years old and realised that n00bish behaviour, hasn?t anything to do with your QW skills, it was how u acted in the community. So no matter how skilled the Iran dudes are (and the are), this behaviour does not belong in our community. Plz go play CS with the rest of the teens. GG."
Monday 20 Oct 2003, 16:42
whoever fu is
Monday 20 Oct 2003, 17:14
Apparently someone who "clan iran" and its 0-points-in-div1 members felt like an accomplishment to win over.
Monday 20 Oct 2003, 19:27
This shit happens all the time ;) I will quote the legendary Liverpool manager Bob Paisely (or was it Bill Shankley...whatever):

"Fotball is not a game over life and death. It is much more important than that".

I guess QW is in that same way :)

Monday 20 Oct 2003, 21:19
i think they're funny :)
Tuesday 21 Oct 2003, 00:01
Haha, clan Iran have accomplished more than any other n00bclan ever. We have been here sence early 98, and we made our moves back in the days when the first DIELAN took place, so shut up plz.
Tuesday 21 Oct 2003, 00:58
Well lets analyze this...
Clan Iran consists of 6members, two of them plays in division 1, Xerial and javve. They?re not 0-points-in-div1 members as a matter of fact their original clan X has done pretty well since they hadnt played for a couple of years before CB. Let me repeat what was written earlier. "Its a nice DEMO therefore is it available on this DEMOSITE".
And comparing Clan Iran with Whimp and his friends is very far fetched since Clan Iran has been playing sporadicly since 98, any attendant at cotslan 2000 can assure my statement.
Tuesday 21 Oct 2003, 04:45
Farsi, or should I say Akbar, or mehmet, or Xerial, why are you referring to "them" in 3rd person? Have all those personalities become too difficult to handle?
Tuesday 21 Oct 2003, 06:58
I attended at COTTELAN 2000 and I NEVER SAW ANYTHING ABOUT A CLAN IRAN. Vortex played for [E] and got owned by norwegian clan Whatever...again and again and again and again and again and again.... :)
Tuesday 21 Oct 2003, 07:19
Link, well ask anyone else who did not only sit in front of their screen the whole lan. There are several demos from Clan Iran, members Xerial Javve Capoon, Vortex.
nn, you can say exactly want you want, doesnt bother me a bit. I dont really care, cb uploaded a demo when they owned us, fine with me. Ill keep doing what Im doing and theres nothing you can do about it. *hugs*
Tuesday 21 Oct 2003, 07:23
Link, by the way, I recall a game between whatever and spartacus, some guy from norway dropped in the middle of the game, so a couple of a guys from spartacus went over to the norweigan table and asked why? this norweigan guy just sat there and didn?t even turn around. Word has it that he was afraid :)
Tuesday 21 Oct 2003, 07:34
Xerial, ofcourse I can say what I want and you can post all the demos you want, but you fail to see the point. Just embarassing on your part to post demos as if it actually wasn't you who posted them, then talking yourself up in 3rd person, and all this while you're mIRC'ing from the same ip you do these posts. *hugs xerial back*
Tuesday 21 Oct 2003, 09:12
omg.. whine detected.. I can?t really see why it?s so lame to post pracdemos? so plz stfu and continue the uploads! *hugs* and I must say I enjoyed the story about the norweigan guy :>
Tuesday 21 Oct 2003, 09:38
ahmad source have it IRAN demands new off game VS Whatever since LINK challenge us -->> NN nice Proxy, are you fraid of al-quaidia ? networks IRAN will find you thoruough REAL iP Number track you down and do dirty things W/ u?? :) bacheha ma az hame behtar hastim!! behtarin bazikonaje donja!!!
Tuesday 21 Oct 2003, 09:54
mader genduh! clan iran smackdown6 winners!
Tuesday 21 Oct 2003, 09:54
haha i think this is very funny :D
brings back the good old feeling i had when i played qw 4 years ago. the anger between players, the competition. it was all gone now. i think its good with this lameness :)
dont like that fluffy pony, be nice to everyone even if you hate them shit.. be yourself.. and represent. and yes i play in Iran, and everyone knows that. but i dont care, i just want to have fun. :)
Tuesday 21 Oct 2003, 10:10
NN, you dont know jack about where I play from or in who?s house I?m in or if I use a shell so you might aswell cut it out because the day I get embarrased over a demo or on the net will never come, you take this far to seriously.
Hagges got so right and BTW, that norweigan story is really true, javve was a part of it :)
Tuesday 21 Oct 2003, 12:14
I remember the norwegian story as well... very cute one.
Tuesday 21 Oct 2003, 13:26
Farsi, you stupid MORON! :) Yes, we DROPPED coz we where on a hub that lagged us, and one of our players couldnt reconnect, so we stopped playing (and a little later we moved to a new hub). And then some MORONS from Spartacus comes over and says: LOL WHY ARE YOU DROPPING? ARE YOU LAME?

Lol, what a bunch of idiots you are :) You expect us to have norwegian Inet connection on a LAN?

Tuesday 21 Oct 2003, 15:00
heh, so you couldnt reconnect? We played for about 5minutes, than you dropped, due to lag, 2minutes later youre speccing the game refusing to re-enter it. Then me and javve went over to your table and you sat there silent as a little sweet norweigan boy not at all simular to the way you behave on the internet...Cursing, capsing, making stupid remarks and judging people.
Anyway we beat the crap out of you in that game, and and I dont understand shit from the norweigan internet connection stuff you said.
Tuesday 21 Oct 2003, 16:33
OMG! I bet this will start world war 3.. norway is already mobilizing :<
Tuesday 21 Oct 2003, 16:45
Well, you had the devil in your eyes, ready to start something big, so we simply ignored you. Why did you come over? What was so fucking important with that game? zzzz?
Tuesday 21 Oct 2003, 20:20
comment of the year @ hagge
Wednesday 22 Oct 2003, 03:57
nate :E
Wednesday 22 Oct 2003, 10:51
Whatever beats [E]? Stop wetting your pants sonny, we fucking owned you like shotguns own pistols. I am a proud member of clan Iran, infact I stareted clan Iran at DIELAN, and we have been owning ever sence, Cottelan2000? You better recognize nigga, we are up in da joint! We blasted, and I know you saw me blasting, I even made a litle kid cry because of my mad skills (Hanky), but thats a whole nother story. But what I remember from cotslan is... that norway wanted me to play with them vs Sweden, and because of me Norway won. ;] and who ever "nn" is... we are playing for the fun of it (as it once started), and I'm fucking glad someone puts up these demos, cause I always forget to record, if I wouldn't have... I would post the games on COTSLAN and DIELAN etc, we are Quake-Qaida maddafakkaz. ;] Peace love and cheers!
Friday 24 Oct 2003, 11:43
"we fucking owned you like shotguns own pistols". You want me to upload demos? :) I got like 5-6 demos on dm3, where Paradoks, Skalman, V-O-R-T-E-X, amongst other E players gets owned by noskill norwegians :>

Or you can keep on denying it, forcing me to upload :)
Saturday 25 Oct 2003, 06:58
plz upload them for me link! B)
Saturday 25 Oct 2003, 07:19
If Vortex keeps on telling lies, I will ;)
Wednesday 11 Feb 2004, 06:26
Suckers, all of you. Get a fucking life...
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