Team Deathmatch (DM2)
  • boome_D_
  • Iso_S_D_
  • mate_D_
  • TuoppI_D_
  • Fisu_of_Cmf
  • MjulQ_of_cMF
  • pst
  • Zhin
Rating: 5.0 (4 votes)
20 minutes, Deathmatch 1, Teamplay 2
Wed 08 January 2003 on EUnet Z Team #2
low avg high team total players RA YA Quad
23 32 42 cmf 161 4 64 40 9
13 21 28 d 148 4 34 64 10
ping pl frags team name Kills TKs Deaths RA YA QUAD
42 5 50 cmf Zhin 54 3 45 17 5 4
28 1 45 cmf MjulQ_of_cMF 50 1 64 19 10 1
14 0 42 d Iso_S_D_ 48 4 24 1 22 0
23 0 39 cmf Fisu_of_Cmf 41 2 18 16 13 1
28 0 39 d TuoppI_D_ 43 2 46 11 12 6
13 0 34 d mate_D_ 39 1 61 12 11 1
26 0 33 d boome_D_ 36 2 61 10 19 3
35 2 27 cmf pst 29 2 50 12 12 3
80 10 spectator Archi 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 0 spectator fix 0 0 0 0 0 0
31 0 spectator siv 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 0 spectator r1570_D_ 0 0 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 68.4 Fisu_of_Cmf
Frag Streak 20 MjulQ_of_cMF
Quad Runner 8 boome_D_, Zhin
Spawn Fragger 11 MjulQ_of_cMF
Unluckiest Spawner 11 MjulQ_of_cMF
Wednesday 08 Jan 2003, 14:19
This was pretty tight game, since cMF won Daltons just by 13 frags. Well their lineup wasn't the best possible (Zhin-Dare-Jester-Past), but anyway it wasn't too bad either. It was nice to see Past in action after quite a long time, although he didn't do very well :)
Wednesday 08 Jan 2003, 19:00
past is the king! :)
Friday 10 Jan 2003, 21:11
never pass over a daltons demo...they always play tough. cmf is going to be very difficult for any clan to knock these guys out of nqr or sd in the coming season. especially if janne gets back into gear after easter and the army does swallow up perhaps the finest 4v4 player in finland.
Sunday 12 Jan 2003, 06:20
of course it will be tough but I think we will beat them ez in next final of smackdown and nqr..
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