Duel (DM6)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3, Teamplay 2
Sun 16 July 2006 on OFQSP | Ktpro | Arizona
low avg high team total players RA GA
52 52 52 orkz 27 1 17 5
52 52 52 . -2 1 10 14
ping pl frags team name Kills Deaths RA GA
52 0 27 orkz player 27 2 17 5
52 0 -2 . egg 2 35 10 14
64 0 spectator kahn 0 0 0 0
64 0 spectator phase1 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 93.1 player
Frag Streak 14 player
Spawn Fragger 3 player
Unluckiest Spawner 3 egg
Monday 17 Jul 2006, 10:15
funny? no
Friday 21 Jul 2006, 14:44
Why the heck did you upload this? This is one of the most boring demos I've ever watched.
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