2vs2 (DM6)
  • Kentucky-fried-chicken!
  • McDonald's
  • hooters
  • Wendys
Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3, Teamplay 2
Thu 22 August 2002 on XBS Kteams Pro 1.57
low avg high team total players RA GA
43 72 100 blue 73 2 24 4
61 82 101 red 10 2 3 18
ping pl frags team name Kills TKs Deaths RA GA
43 1 42 blue McDonald's 42 0 4 15 2
100 2 31 blue Kentucky-fried-chicken! 32 0 17 9 2
61 0 9 red Wendys 13 0 39 1 12
101 1 1 red hooters 6 1 52 2 6
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 91.3 McDonald's
Frag Streak 27 McDonald's
Spawn Fragger 3 McDonald's
Unluckiest Spawner 3 hooters
Wednesday 25 Sep 2002, 21:14
Wednesday 25 Sep 2002, 21:50
(author not available)
everyone d/l this demo immediately. this is the best USA has to offer.
Thursday 30 Jan 2003, 16:18
i am leet
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