Duel (DM6)
_ ParadokS
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3
Sun 04 August 2002 on qh-lan4 duel #10
ping pl frags name Kills Deaths RA GA
13 0 53 _ ParadokS 53 5 17 5
13 0 1 raket 5 61 7 10
152 1 spec _ Goljat 0 0 0 0
13 0 spec math 0 0 0 0
207 2 spec wuj 0 0 0 0
69 1 spec unnamed 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Frag Streak 18 _ ParadokS
Spawn Fragger 7 _ ParadokS
Thursday 08 Aug 2002, 09:15
(author not available)
i hope the american paradoks isn't as fucked up retard looking as the danish one...that would be terrifying having two of those around...
Thursday 08 Aug 2002, 10:30
i hope your parents like you cause with that much tolerance and culture no one else might :<
Thursday 08 Aug 2002, 11:33
100% agree with tobik. WTF the point posting about a qw players look? On the servers nothing but skills matter, where you from, witch language you speek, wich color your skin is or if you are 14 or 36 years old doesn't matter. SKill is the deciding factor, and thats why we look at demos by paradoks and the like, becouse when it comes to qw he's one off the world best players out there.
BTW, nice demo :)
Thursday 08 Aug 2002, 11:46
What a lame ass. I dont give a shit about Para's looks. He's a real nice guy who's put a lot of time into the game he loves. I bet your the type of guy that chooses your friends by their looks.
Your just jealous of ParadokS's skills.


Thursday 08 Aug 2002, 12:04
lame ass? you are being too kind, drugs. he's probably a guy who only likes to look at good looking sexy guys....and you can draw your own conclusions from that fact. whether a guy looks like me or janne or pietro or def or whoever seems to me to be irrevelant to how well he plays qw.

but well we are talking about this no one has the sexy hair-do of farz from the au. it's like a jungle and i hear chicks love to climb around in it:)

yes, nice demo.
Thursday 08 Aug 2002, 13:17
janne is one gorgeous motherfucker
Thursday 08 Aug 2002, 13:27
are you all gay? i don't know who posted the first comment but do you really think he was serious?
Thursday 08 Aug 2002, 15:37
damn i loooooooooooooooooooooooooooove lookin at sexy men! I've heard that boys love to climb in mrlames djungel deep in the depts of his ass B>
Thursday 08 Aug 2002, 18:50
how did you know mutilator? =[
Thursday 08 Aug 2002, 20:00
A bird whispered in my ear... just kidding, ceebe said she got lost in his ass-djungel when she was looking for his dick
Friday 09 Aug 2002, 01:44
(author not available)
Who is janne and where can i peep her?
Friday 09 Aug 2002, 12:44
Paradoks is not American. He is Swedish i think (or Finnish?) .
Friday 09 Aug 2002, 16:11
Ernst Hugo
He is danish :|
Friday 09 Aug 2002, 16:16
Max Rebo
Haha, nicket "Ernst Hugo", det _?r_ humor det.
Saturday 10 Aug 2002, 03:21
banta f?r fan...
Saturday 10 Aug 2002, 10:14
Ben Dover
Saturday 10 Aug 2002, 16:27
Paradoks Fan!
shut up #1 comment.... we don't know how u look so u can shut your big mouth up!
i dont think u look better then paradoks... everyone can be a bit fat, some have it in the blood to be fat when they are born... i dont think para is so fat, there are much fater persons in the world!

nice demo but paradoks had owned that fake para guy
Saturday 10 Aug 2002, 19:29
Into my big mouth you can fly a plane!
Saturday 10 Aug 2002, 19:35
zzz comment demo plz =[
Saturday 10 Aug 2002, 22:25
Yes very nice demo. Para ownz.
Sunday 11 Aug 2002, 07:03
Paradoks Fan!: I see your humble intentions, but I must say that you should rather not say anyhing. And btw, as this _IS_ ParadokS(tm) playing at qhLan, you really f?kk it up in that last sentence :)
Sunday 11 Aug 2002, 07:11
And this is a great demo! Para sure knows how to put the smack down on this map!!!
Sunday 11 Aug 2002, 11:50
he's still fat
Sunday 11 Aug 2002, 13:44
the above ^ is a worthless human being.
Sunday 11 Aug 2002, 16:05
you are? ok
Monday 12 Aug 2002, 03:20
lol, paradoks may be a bit fat, BUT WHO GIVES A FUCK !?! he's a really nice guy irl and thats all that matters
Monday 12 Aug 2002, 07:26
Sometimes I find myself irresistable - maybe that's why im still a single
Tuesday 13 Aug 2002, 05:09
It's better to be a little bit fat than a skinny guy like riker
Tuesday 13 Aug 2002, 09:17
haha, what a great discussion
u go puta girl
Tuesday 13 Aug 2002, 22:20
some lame faggot from uk
i rather be skinny like riker then fat as paracocks... its easier to gain weigh then lose weigh
Wednesday 14 Aug 2002, 07:42
make LOVE not WAR
ps i will own u all when i get adsl (about end of sept).
so remember the name Krass (mwhahaha)
Wednesday 14 Aug 2002, 16:57
i thought crass said "fight war, not wars."
Wednesday 14 Aug 2002, 20:42
(author not available)
ps. para play some non-e-sport some time ok? itll help trust me :D (oh btw chess dont count :EEEEEEEEEE)
Wednesday 14 Aug 2002, 20:52
oh btw it was me , forgot to put my nick :E
Sunday 18 Aug 2002, 08:03

heh it's already a compliment when so much people are commenting and making a big fight over u when u urself don't even participate.... nomatter what u look like.... ur famous ;)
Sunday 18 Aug 2002, 17:52
haha "mja" you are probably paracock himself... so low..
Monday 19 Aug 2002, 15:04
(author not available)
to SOME LAME motherfucking james bond UK agent:

RIKER looks like he is about to svimma any moment, just look on his fucking arm! HAHAH 0 MUSCLES THAT SUX I THINK RIKER NEEDS TO BE OUT IN THE SUN AND DO SOME WORK OUT, IM SURE PARA WILL KICK RIKERS ASS ON A 1on1 FIGHT IRL. SO _S H U T U P_
Monday 19 Aug 2002, 17:57
some lame faggot from uk
i said ***I*** rather... ofcuz para will beat riker in a 1on1 irl fight.. so what? para is so fat that he just have to sit on him... but ***I*** still rather... MUCH rather look like riker... para is fucking discusting...
Tuesday 20 Aug 2002, 04:11
damn and your life is interesting then? This is your kickass moment in life? be tough guy at challenge-tv.com comment section LOL? CS is your game you can be as lame as you want there go and play that game! Leave this shit from quakeworld!
Tuesday 20 Aug 2002, 10:44
some lame faggot from uk
your wierd man.. seek help plz... who said i even play qw? u take too much for granted... and u r your self at the comment section lol?
Tuesday 20 Aug 2002, 22:52
(author not available)
you're all losers. simmer down faggots.
Thursday 22 Aug 2002, 21:54
(author not available)
Friday 23 Aug 2002, 05:19
some other lame faggot from uk
give the man a break, will ya?
i happen to know that my anonumous pal from uk is actually starring in jackass on mtv. on the show they call him, uh, weeman
Friday 23 Aug 2002, 09:58
(author not available)
i dont think u like some kinda model urself some lame faggot from uk
Thursday 05 Sep 2002, 18:51
They need to pass a global fat tax. Fat people suck. :(
Thursday 10 Oct 2002, 11:58
insane demo!
Saturday 10 Jul 2004, 08:07
And almost 2 years later... http://www.challenge-tv.com/index.php?mode=demodetail&demo=26024
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