Arena (POVDMM4)
Rating: 1.8 (10 votes)
5 minutes, Deathmatch 4, Teamplay 2
Tue 28 February 2006 on TERRA - QW KT-PRO 1.66 #1
low avg high team total players RA Pent
32 32 32 ar 28 1 24 25
30 30 30 anm 24 1 0 0
ping pl frags team name Kills Deaths RA PENT
32 0 28 ar renatija 28 25 24 25
30 0 24 anm *AnM*•TigeR 25 30 0 0
101 0 spectator • thief 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 52.8 renatija
Frag Streak 3 renatija
Tuesday 28 Feb 2006, 10:25
Tuesday 28 Feb 2006, 11:08
Nice play as always from the hottest Argentinian qw star <3

but when will we see dm4 demos? :<
Tuesday 28 Feb 2006, 11:08
She is on fire!
Tuesday 28 Feb 2006, 11:42
lol 32% lg vs a guys who has 21 is nice ? plz ... European div3 players can do that
Tuesday 28 Feb 2006, 11:52
uiaeuiae :P
months without playing... that?s what I have so say :P
but... :(
Tuesday 28 Feb 2006, 12:08
these demos are useless, stop posting them.
Tuesday 28 Feb 2006, 12:35
these demos are useless, stop posting them.
Tuesday 28 Feb 2006, 13:58
Gotta love hot girls playing qw
Tuesday 28 Feb 2006, 19:52
South americans are good at pov. HOLY fuckin shit mate!! You play any other maps? Oh yeh shes hot , you can see Renatija here (her page)
Wednesday 01 Mar 2006, 03:26
yea my ass!!!
Wednesday 01 Mar 2006, 12:34
any1 want a 50%+ vs 30%+ lg demo? :(
Wednesday 01 Mar 2006, 14:28
South americans can play any map.. dm2, dm4, dm6, aero, ztndmX, povdmm4, midair, etc

dont waste your time watching the demo of a "Outfashioned" BRAZILLIAN qw player...

if u want to see real good PoVdmm4 demos, search for ZIP, SPINAL, MUR... if u wont find it here, download from any BR server.

poxa S****... vc nao eh mais o mesmo...pq escolhei ser logo da Argentina?? q merda.. afff...
Wednesday 01 Mar 2006, 14:29
a proposito.. so pega os pato e os inativos... :PPP
Saturday 11 Mar 2006, 18:37
O pior eh os looser botando feh que ele eh gringo
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