Arena (POVDMM4)
Rating: 5.0 (4 votes)
5 minutes, Deathmatch 4, Teamplay 2
Sat 18 February 2006 on TERRA - QW KT-PRO 1.66 #1
low avg high team total players
27 28 27 red 33 1
44 44 44 x 32 1
ping pl frags team name Kills Deaths
27 0 33 red renatija 33 32
44 0 32 x expert 32 33
106 0 spectator ]PF[•Fantasma• 0 0
42 0 spectator ••c0l0r•• 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 50.8 renatija
Frag Streak 3 renatija
Saturday 18 Feb 2006, 18:43
Insane shaft from Renatija...
Saturday 18 Feb 2006, 21:39
These demos are awesome. I have to admit to not knowing much about the south american qwscene, besides that Brazilian who won IBC only to get disqualified for being too good. Is there some sort of coverup going on? Could .br/.ar players pose a challenge to eu? Interesting question.

My only complaint is that this pretty much rules out any chances of seeing Reload at a future QHLan. Who's going to fund him when there's an Argentinian girl with 50% lg? Imagine the drama if she took out dag/reppie/griff in the 1on1 final...

Seriously though, this is damned impressive for anyone. The RL aim and movement is amazing too. I managed to find her on a Brazilian server just now (gogo ASE) and she's hopefully going to upload some duel demos in the near future :)
Sunday 19 Feb 2006, 03:40
HE is not a girl, and HE is not from argentina, he is from brazil, and HE is not the best brazilian player =]
Sunday 19 Feb 2006, 06:17
renatija is not a girl x)

Sunday 19 Feb 2006, 07:26
Renatija is a talented female we player

In CHTV description = must be true, sorry.
Sunday 19 Feb 2006, 07:29
I'm sorry, but different of you, i am brazilian, and i am inside of brazilian comunnity, this nickname "Renatija" doesnt even exist
Sunday 19 Feb 2006, 07:42
I play qw in Brazil, and I must say renatija is probably the best in Brazil, but "she" is not a girl...
Sunday 19 Feb 2006, 08:55
very good player
Sunday 19 Feb 2006, 09:16
are these demos supposed to be impressive? this demo against expert shows a sub-avarage player almost getting beaten by a lagging sub-avarage player with bad movement. not even 30% lg? plz. the other demo against whatever the players nick was even more boring. a total noob lagging, moving only to one side all the time... impressive? i think not. qmole; this is not impressive in any way. u just got wet in ur pants becouse u think this is a girl, now u perhaps is sad in the pants?

dont download, waste of time. reload would whip this player apart on any map. but again, that would any avarage good euro do too.

Sunday 19 Feb 2006, 09:26
#9 ye i agree a little, here it turned out to be just a human lg afterall :) when expert strafed, the shemale? had a hard time tracking him
Sunday 19 Feb 2006, 09:50
This demo is clearly someone faking as Renatija. The aim is far inferior to the other demos!

...okay, this isn's as impressive as I thought last night. I'd had a little to drink and it was about 4am when I watched the demo so :/ It caused a little drama at least :)
Sunday 19 Feb 2006, 10:01
you people are missing the point. of course it's not the best player on the world.. maybe the best in Brazil, but anyway, not a bad player.
Sunday 19 Feb 2006, 13:10
#11: i dont think this is someone faking as renatija. i think that this is how hesheit aims against normal players that doesnt move like a sleepwalker
Sunday 19 Feb 2006, 13:25
#13: Exactly. Though, not a player, that's my point.
Sunday 19 Feb 2006, 14:12
#13: Exactly. Though, not a BAD player, that's my point.
Monday 27 Feb 2006, 06:21
i don?t believe in that ......... if you play very well in dmm4 ..... it isn?t saw : you play quake .......

for exemple : she wins me in povdmm4 , end , amphi ..... but she never will be win in dm6 , dm3 , dm4 .........
Wednesday 01 Mar 2006, 06:37
Now that was bad...

less than 30% lg against an enemy that moves like a pregnant yak.

If you want to see some real lg-action, search chtv with keywords xamp or champ.
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