Duel (ZTNDM3)
Rating: 4.2 (48 votes)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3, Teamplay 2
Thu 03 June 2004 on UOL #1 - QW KT-PRO 1.60 Server
low avg high team total players RA YA GA
65 66 65 22 1 14 12 6
51 52 51 oc 21 1 0 0 0
ping pl frags team name Kills Deaths RA YA GA
65 0 22 thief 22 21 14 12 6
51 0 21 oc 6.swi 21 22 0 0 0
42 0 spectator anm.tig 0 0 0 0 0
29 0 spectator set 0 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 51.2 thief
Frag Streak 7 6.swi
Spawn Fragger 4 6.swi
Unluckiest Spawner 4 thief
Thursday 03 Jun 2004, 21:40
i thought that swift was a great player..
the best brazilian player as someone said before in other demo comments,
but he is so far away from it...
Thursday 03 Jun 2004, 21:42
Thursday 03 Jun 2004, 21:43
Best brazilian player???
good one
he is top 30
Thursday 03 Jun 2004, 21:43
"the best brazilian player"

eu podia durmir sem essa :(
Thursday 03 Jun 2004, 21:44
wow, swift is so lame
Thursday 03 Jun 2004, 21:45
that player thief is kinda good, but swift looks a noob
Thursday 03 Jun 2004, 21:45
swedish top player
Holy shit, feel like this guy is loved in his country.... Well, must me good to be swift. Bet he is doing that great with his college/school, work, girlfriend... well... thats my new sweddish top guy!
Thursday 03 Jun 2004, 21:46

"the best brazilian player"

i could sleep without that...

hahah to rindo muito do meu ingles
Thursday 03 Jun 2004, 21:49
hehe porra! cabei de postar e fico os gringo bombando eahAEEAAEUhueauaeaeeaaeae
isso q ocara soh fico me matando de respawn

hehe wtf! i posted it 30min ago and its very popular! if u see the demo u will see he killed me on respawns and respawns... LOL!
Thursday 03 Jun 2004, 21:54
caralho swift, assim nao vo te dar mais leite........
Thursday 03 Jun 2004, 21:54
maybe cos ppl though that swift was any good since many brazilian players posts in his demo that he's pretty good..
but imo he just flood here with lame demos like this one..
Thursday 03 Jun 2004, 21:56
the other demo he put against me its because im back at quake like 1 month ago then he asked me 100 times to play with me just to record demos.. lol
that swift is kinda funny!
i stopped playing the game on 2002.. it changed a lot! im still a duck.. but as you can see im improving my skill.. now its already better then his

Thursday 03 Jun 2004, 21:57
wtf, is this going to be the most commented demo in ch-tv database?

swift may not like it... i guess....
Thursday 03 Jun 2004, 22:00
olha o void postando de unnamed...
Thursday 03 Jun 2004, 22:01
plz stop the r4p4ge on this guy....
he is a good player, of course not the best.. but good... isnt been good, enough for you swift? i bet it is man!
Thursday 03 Jun 2004, 22:02
Thursday 03 Jun 2004, 22:03
this is lame demo, lame players
Thursday 03 Jun 2004, 22:07
para de posta de unnamed void
que lixo voce eh meu...
Thursday 03 Jun 2004, 22:33
fuck you fore lame ass
it wasnt me on the other post, but now its me and i only have one thing to say about this:

i like a big black wet cook
Thursday 03 Jun 2004, 22:37
goljat, where are you in this times to give me suport?
Friday 04 Jun 2004, 05:17
how to rape noob. watch this!!
Friday 04 Jun 2004, 09:41
bom, essa eu quero ver
Friday 04 Jun 2004, 11:30
to #12:

i dint actually asked you to play ztndm3, mainly because i dont know the map? i played ztndm3 like what? 10 times couting with this one? (and i actually said that before we started this games,WHICH was supposed to be played versus "SET"?) never mind, i guess this was one of YOUR best games ever, since you uploaded and obviviously is so excited and horny that even spammed this link for you gay-friends. im only sorry when i aked you to play dm6 but you said you had to "EAT MY NUGGETS" and after it you were idling on server and after that joined for a 4v4, gg.

Another important point, every time i join a server someone spam that i suck "outsiders" (gringos) cock, thats because i join quakenet (which is not a QUAKE-NET its only OUTSIDERS-NET) and obviously because i speak english ? Now ask yourselfs who really are sucking cocks here, you all blame me for doing but you guys are so idiot that you make the same thing? No, you guys make it worst, you fakenick as ppl from europe.

Finally i would like to thank you to make me realize that i?ve got SO MANY FANS, because that what you all are. A bunch of idiots that suck on a fkn game, even with lower pings. Thers a lot of ppl that doesnt even STUDY ffs, has <28ms and even like that still loose. I ask you, what can you do with your life? nothing. Thats why im not nervous or anything similar to that about this demo, because all you can do is this. Stay on a PC the hole day, loosing on the most important thing for all of you (that is obviously quakE) and if you win, upload it. You are right, if i was so usefull and idiot like you guys i would do the same hole thing.

Ill end thin UNIQUE post (since i ll not post on this anymore) resuming what this demo means:

1) i lost a close game on a map that i dont play.

2) i lost it to a idiot that smokes weed and plays quake for life.

Friday 04 Jun 2004, 11:58
Friday 04 Jun 2004, 11:58
Friday 04 Jun 2004, 11:58
Most brazilians are retards locked in their own world Swift, so dont give a shit about what they write :( Speaking brazilian on international site speaks for itself...
Friday 04 Jun 2004, 11:59
swift 1, rest of brasil 0
Friday 04 Jun 2004, 12:00
if u arent that nervous why u bother urself and came here and wrote a god danm bible?
Friday 04 Jun 2004, 12:10
its all about whine!
btw, who fakenicked?
Friday 04 Jun 2004, 14:30
Friday 04 Jun 2004, 14:44
hehe this guy is really funny, look @ "i didnt know the map, and thats why i lost".
Do u really want me to upload my dm6 demos against u, and u never won me a single one u studip ass hole.
U r ALWAYS on the net, on irc and icq, and only a few times u r really away, and u came here talking about ppl that lives in their PC? u r obviosly one of then.

And u still suck @ qw.
Friday 04 Jun 2004, 15:01
another thing is that this swift guy claims to be something like top3 or top5 in brasil...
The guy is all fucked up, since all brasilians can say something like at least 10 - 20 names that r in front of this retarded, fore, zip, doob, simps etc etc etc....
Friday 04 Jun 2004, 15:05
to #23

"Thats why im not nervous or anything similar to that about this demo"

no.. :)
Friday 04 Jun 2004, 15:08
one time i saw you on the server saying that ztndm3 was the map that u liked most!
and now u say that u dont play the map!
tsk tsk i saw u playing on it at least 15 times...
Friday 04 Jun 2004, 15:08
e agora em portugues..
lembra um discharge q eu te dei de quad e tu NAOOOO FICOU NERVOSO? (claro q nao!)
soh pra te lembrar de uma palavrinha....
Friday 04 Jun 2004, 15:30
Friday 04 Jun 2004, 19:55
lol at insane : ?speaking brazilian...? ! they speak portuguese you dumb.
Friday 04 Jun 2004, 20:12
Same shit , I don`t recall portugese being an international language B<
Friday 04 Jun 2004, 22:05
obviously the united states swift is far superior
Friday 04 Jun 2004, 22:40
everybody's fool , quake sux , brazil 3 x 1 argentina rlz.
Friday 04 Jun 2004, 22:45
Saturday 05 Jun 2004, 06:48
hahah kK B>
Saturday 05 Jun 2004, 10:19
it has too much hate in these litle hearts ;<
Saturday 05 Jun 2004, 16:34
nice english there doob, i guess that year or two that u leaved school and did nothing in your life besides playing online games, really show us the kind of irresponsable person you are.
Keep that going doob, u are going to end pretty fine!!!!
Saturday 05 Jun 2004, 18:01
3rd yead in college means nothing?
Saturday 05 Jun 2004, 18:17
well, lets just say it could me the 4th or 5th :)
But well, that doesnt mean much for ppl like u i guess...

Saturday 05 Jun 2004, 18:18
could me = could be :)
hate the damn typos
Saturday 05 Jun 2004, 18:57
i'm the scum :<
too bad i'm not @ 4th year
i guess the problem is the college: its only 3 years (because the saturday classes *grrr*), and next year i'll graduate ;<<<
Saturday 05 Jun 2004, 19:47
3year course must be a real must!
Im glad we agreed on the scum part!
Good luck!
Sunday 06 Jun 2004, 11:11
"nice english there doob, i guess that year or two that u leaved"

that you LEAVED?? nice english for you as well. B<<
Sunday 06 Jun 2004, 12:08
nossa vei
como vcs viajam

wow dude
how do you trip

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