Duel (DM6)
_ ParadokS
Rating: 4.0 (4 votes)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3
Wed 06 August 2003 on Bredbandsbolaget Duel #7
ping pl frags name Kills Deaths RA GA
16 0 19 -=[hA4mI}=- 19 8 12 7
13 0 8 • ParadokS 8 19 11 9
14 0 spec bbb•cam 0 0 0 0
39 0 spec _ hib 0 0 0 0
76 0 spec get2net2nd•cam 0 0 0 0
26 0 spec kiki 0 0 0 0
26 0 spec z•cam 0 0 0 0
69 1 spec Snow 0 0 0 0
53 0 spec get2net•cam 0 0 0 0
78 0 spec sf•cam 0 0 0 0
51 1 spec xs4all•cam 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Frag Streak 12 -=[hA4mI}=-
Wednesday 06 Aug 2003, 14:28
k hagge ur letting me down :/
Wednesday 06 Aug 2003, 14:30

2ND COMMENT!@!!!@!!1111111

Btw this dm6 is the Webster Dictionary definition of "choke"
Wednesday 06 Aug 2003, 14:53
2 lucky telefrags destroyed all the positional advantage that para is so skillfull at building up (despite the original spawn)..

After that, xAmp just made sure to have more armor than para... Easier said than done, so this is definitely earned.
Wednesday 06 Aug 2003, 18:54
Since you mentioned Webster Dictionary, phil, I'll tell you what I think this is a dictionary for:

1. Being so lucky with those 2 telefrags.
2. Being kinda lucky, because many many times xAmp ended a confrontation with a 1 digit number of health (say, < 10).. And although Para had some of those occations as well, xAmp had more, and it was less acceptable for him to let that happen anyways, as he had RA all the time.
3. This is definitely a Webster definition of "How To Camp At RA Once You Get An Advantage". You might want to be there every 30 secs when RA spawns, if you get control.. but just standing there all the time? What a f@gg*t-like playing style..
4. Lame, very lame final minute.. Puh-lease!

xAmp has a long way to go before he turns into a real QW player, like ParadokS is, for example.
Wednesday 06 Aug 2003, 19:41
champ fuckin owned him, sorry k? B<

just admit that.

Wednesday 06 Aug 2003, 21:30
xAmp definitely has experience. Duel wise, perhaps not as much as para, which may in itself be the single surprise of the series. xAmp was coming in this match having established himself as a para-backbreaker and a shaft-whore.

Shaft whores invariably have "gay" playing style (or lack thereof). However, shaft whores do not become shaft whores just because they wanted to. They just depend on that weapon more, just like some people train on midair.

Anyways.... These games were very very weird to watch :)
Wednesday 06 Aug 2003, 22:14
"xAmp has a long way to go before he turns into a real QW player, like ParadokS is, for example."

It's plainly obvious that for the current standard of duel play, both players are very good on the maps they're comfortable with.

The DM6 game was interesting especially because it showed that it isn't impossible to win against Para with a little bit of luck and then when in control, by forcing him to play in such a way that he can't make use of his natural playing style.

Also, I'd say xAmp had the edge regardless of his percieved inexperience because he specifically played to win by using an off the rails tactical style with back to the wall fighting skills. It's very difficult to play against that style but it's also very difficult to maintain it so all credit to xAmp, his wins were definately hard earned.

Have you got any demos you could post Ken? I'm interested in seeing the playing style you use.
Wednesday 06 Aug 2003, 23:14
champ is a weak pathetic faggot

teach ME how to be a lame camping shaft reliant retard PLEASE~~!!!!!!
Wednesday 06 Aug 2003, 23:52
Sorry str, no demos from me.. I'm far from where every QWer lives, and on a miserable modem.. All I can do is play the frogbots.. :/
Thursday 07 Aug 2003, 00:29
lol, ur on modem and wont play because of 200 ping ? lol, you disgust me.
Thursday 07 Aug 2003, 01:17
some of Ken's demos http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~sda/mkt.pl?player:ken

(Hope you don't mind me pluggin SDA, Ken :D)
Thursday 07 Aug 2003, 01:37
Haven't watched any speed demos before but I'll be sure to check some out later today. :)
Thursday 07 Aug 2003, 02:13
Phil: wtf are you doing? :) .. That's RQ, these people don't watch that. But any of my current SDA records should be an example of my playing, yeah.. but I seriously believe str asked for DM demos, not singleplayer. :/
Thursday 07 Aug 2003, 02:16
Oh and mixu... Coincidentially, I sent some pings to a server in .se and one in .fi earlier tonight.. and I got average of 316ms on .fi, and about 295ms in .se... And I even asked a friend with adsl (not too fast adsl) and all he could get was 212ms average in .se .. My ping is more like 300.. It disgusts you? F*ck off! It's completely unplayable! I sometimes join FFA servers and I get fragged so much it aint even funny. :)
Thursday 07 Aug 2003, 02:20
hehehe. you know that u dont have to take this shit too seriously? :) This is my 1. real duel tournament and thought that i last round or two, but now im in the finals. I dont care what is ken or someone else dork thingking about me or my playing style. I think that only thing what mattters in duels is the winner. There can be only 1 winner and this game it was me. I admit that i had a tiny luck with me but that is part of quake. Ken keep on seaching the live is out there.

Thursday 07 Aug 2003, 02:48
Well, at first I used to think that way as well.. All that matters is the winner, no matter what techniques are used, if you have more frags than the other guy, you won, period. But that, to a certain point, doesn't really show skillz. :/

It's just a spectator point of view.. I'm sure if I were playing, and I CS'ed a lot or something, I would probably try to convince myself that what I'm doing is right! But the people who watches the demos... They wont like it, they'll hate it. It's much cooler to try and take your opponent the hard way. If everyone would camp n stuff, there would be no matches with finishing scores of 50-0 and stuff.. And those are cool.

But seriously.. no offense or anything.. You need to learn some... gentlemanship.. or something. I know Quake is a game and all (not for everyone I bet, heh), but doing that "lemme get some coke" after you'rw down like 22-0 with a minute left.. That wasn't cool. :|
Thursday 07 Aug 2003, 02:56
Well i was thirsty, had no change anymore on that map, paradock would have whined if would have go get some coce before to next map. I didnt know that this is lame :)
a humble apology from me :<
Thursday 07 Aug 2003, 05:04
please teach me your english
Thursday 07 Aug 2003, 06:54
Congrats Champ, well played, i laughed my way through these demos, mostly because the small margins in hp's during and after fights, but as said before: the winner is always the winner. So if you loose it means that you wasn't good enough. And how you win has nothing to do with it. As long as you follow the rules. A win is a win is a win.
Thursday 07 Aug 2003, 12:14
"And how you win has nothing to do with it. As long as you follow the rules."

rules of the tourney, of sportmanship, of what? Not sure what you intend by this statament, Bugsy.

as for "how" you win or lose, I have to agree that it does matter how you play. i remember a dm2 game back aout 3 or 4 years ago (at the tgi i think?)where the uk player timber just hid up in the dm2 rafters for a while. puissy tactics taken that extent are lame and should be frowned upon. of course this does not break any tourney rule, though perhaps you'd say it is poor sportmanship, but at bottom it is really only the frown and disrespect of the qw community that stops such pussy tactics from occuring.

That said xamp did nothing lameass like timber did. his style is conservative and is not exciting to watch compared to grffn, para, mrlame or fifi. but it is not lame. what xamp would do well to stop doing is to flood his be smiley as that just irritates most people and comes across as disrepectful. it is easy to be disrepectful in a competitive environment, but as we all know, the strong, honorable man tries do what is hard and challenging, not what is easy; only the weak do what is easy. I think xamp probably didn't realize his smiley gave others that impression. I think being reliant on the shaft owns!!!! Can you say Columbo??? xamp has a shaft as effective as his was. and that is a very big compliment indeed:)
Thursday 07 Aug 2003, 12:59
Except Columbo didn't exactly win.. Of course that means nothing, simply being *invited* to TGI meant you were elite, and besides afaik he did pretty good anyway.

But here we got a "Columbo" actually beating the equivalent of a "Kane" or "Lakerman"... It's WEIRD!
Thursday 07 Aug 2003, 13:02
Thursday 07 Aug 2003, 13:08
oops meant to find kane on the search thingy
heard of lakerman but not him.. hehe time to look for some demos then =)
Thursday 07 Aug 2003, 13:51
i think he was 4th phil. impressive finish considering the talent that was there. the only thing close to the tgi would be some of the qw qhlans in recent years.
Thursday 07 Aug 2003, 14:29
I don't enjoy watching champ demos, it's utterly boring. But what the heck, he plays the best he can and he obviously is very successful at that, he obeys the rules and doesn't moan at anything (unlike Paradoks who after the game said he can't play people with that gay style).

Champ is a teamplayer, no dueller. I find it sad that none of the "real" duellers, with all the leet tactics, the shocking movement skillz0rs, the unscripted turbomoves has managed to beat Champ in the tourney (except Milton). But is it Champ's fault that everyone else in the tournament is worse than him? Certainly not. Stop whining, this tournament isn't to entertain the stupid demo watchers but to find out who the best PLAYER is. Player, not poser.
Thursday 07 Aug 2003, 14:38
ok this demo is 2ez4tv k , i think paradoks had to find out the xamp was redefining ez the hard way k
Thursday 07 Aug 2003, 17:02
Let?s not forget cottelan, xhrl =B-)
Btw, I don?t find xamp?s playing-style very entertaining either, but still he is successful in duelmania because of his non-aggressive style and a killershaft to rely on.
I think he?s made a great job getting all the way to the finals, and wish him and milton all the good luck in the finals.
Maybe it?s what duelmania is all about, seeing some "new" faces advancing in the tourney, sometimes all the way to the finals like here.
At least I think so.

Thursday 07 Aug 2003, 18:56
We also had those faceoff tourneys here in the States, and of course the CPL4Year...

Theres been tons of duel tourneys, hell duelmania is one of them, but nothing global like TGI :( :(
Thursday 07 Aug 2003, 19:21
xamp for king $$$$$
Thursday 07 Aug 2003, 20:21
How about a new DMM mode for spectator friendly duels? :)

I suggest removing the health and armor from the map leaving only the weapons and ammo. Add in more spawn points with a new duel spawn selection system to make it easier to get a decent weapon. Make the damage you take from your own shots 50% less than it is currently so that the speed and positional rj'rs can still do their thing. The LG should be tweaked (since it'll be too powerful and likely would become a dominating defensive factor) so make it fire 20 times a second instead of 10 (resulting in more accurate feedback making it more usable for the majority) but it's damage should be reduced so instead of 10/sec with 30 damage per shot make it 20/sec with 10 damage per shot. Finally start with 250 health but have it trickle down to 100 like with the mega.

It'd probably also be a good idea to fix the bug in the QW code that causes the LG to be inconsistent for those that aren't blessed with a flatline'd netgraph. :)

The result will likely be fast action games where the agressive player has the ability to come out on top.
Thursday 07 Aug 2003, 22:36
The result will be a piece of shit that noone wants.
Friday 08 Aug 2003, 01:51
is paradoks out of tournament or he is a double elimination tournament?
Friday 08 Aug 2003, 03:11
sega: Out of tournament. Only chAmp and Milton left.

str: You made your point, I think.. and it sucks! :P
Friday 08 Aug 2003, 05:09
hehe, champ has played duels for like the time duelmania3 has lasted?:D you whine him about him playing, and he wins every 6 year experienced duellers around here. gg xamp.
Friday 08 Aug 2003, 06:30
i agree with andy... all demo lovers can go watch prac games instead if u only wanna see +forward, fun/lol frags etc... imo tournaments is about 2 ppl doing there absolute best to win.. thats where the fun is..
Friday 08 Aug 2003, 06:35
ken: "You might want to be there every 30 secs when RA spawns"
Friday 08 Aug 2003, 06:45
Seems Ken is a quake expert! B>
Friday 08 Aug 2003, 08:31
there's nothing fun about hiding around the map like a sissy with miniscule balls. we play qw for a reason: it's not cs.
Friday 08 Aug 2003, 11:13
On theres plenty of fun in it. Maybe you, mister "anonymous" have never played under stressfull conditions (tournament, etc, whatever it may be), but whoever has I am sure will know what I'm talking about when I say the adrenaline rush you get playing qw under stressfull condition -- it is second to none.

And, obviously, you do everything in your power to win.
Friday 08 Aug 2003, 11:35
So he won again, a damn shame really. Didn't bother to watch this games...dunno if I will ever, since after I watched first serie xamp defenetly got on last place in my list of players from who I watch demos. If he wins final he'll be best dueler in europe?...haha yeah right. This is just tournament, but many knows whats the real situation out there. He is defenetly strong player (with cs), but how many of you would put him infront of players as Paradoks, griffin, Dag? I wouldn't defenetly. To me what you show to peoples when you play is most important thingy, not just win. So...gg? Yeah right! Be
Friday 08 Aug 2003, 11:36
"i can play +forward, i am so manly and tough!"
Friday 08 Aug 2003, 11:39
sedlo this isnt a contest of making beutiful frags.. go watch prac games instead.... or would u like a tournament when everyone gets to play a couple of games and then some judges can give them stylepoints?
Friday 08 Aug 2003, 11:42
BTW Xamp plays carefully, not camping.
Agree with andy(#25).
Friday 08 Aug 2003, 11:47
razor - lol, nice idea!!
Friday 08 Aug 2003, 12:05

Stylepoint tournament....

HMMMMMMM?!?!?!?!? What do you think!??!?! Sounds interesting
Friday 08 Aug 2003, 12:09

1) 5 points for a 120 damage, 35% shaft display in one burst (maybe a little option in KTPRO where it will display the LG% between +attack/-attack ?)
2) 1 point for midair

3) 1 point for grenade direct

4) 1 point for sg/ssg/ng/sng kill

5) -100 points for telefrag (err... I mean 1 point)

6) 1 point for hard-to-do rocket jump (list to be made later)

7) 2 points for hard-to-do rocket jump done *manually*

8) 5 points for double-midair (rocket, rocket)

7) 10 points for double-midair (rocket, grenade or grenade, rocket)

8) 2 points for grenade-midair

Friday 08 Aug 2003, 14:27
Phil I hope you're joking. :)

From a lot of the posts on here it seems people want QW to be some sort of ice dancing tournament, with marks given for style, flair, content etc etc blah blah.
Friday 08 Aug 2003, 14:45
although I just watched the ztndm3 demo...I think people are being especially hard on xamp because of all the Be and refusing to play when he's losing.
Friday 08 Aug 2003, 17:21
hehe... Well .... a style points tournament has NEVER been done (I don't think..)

So why not give it a try!?!?!?!?! It would sure produce some fun fucking demos. And it would settle the point of who is the COOLEST player... (Locktar would definitely come out from under his rock for this, I hope)
Friday 08 Aug 2003, 18:03
xamp in tights would by $tylish
Friday 08 Aug 2003, 19:27
My biggest upset with this duelmania-season must be the reppie vs. insane game.
Instead of seeing at least one "entertaining-to-watch"-player advance, we got none after the game.
Still, milton and xamp has fought hard for their place in the finals, so I can?t understand what all this whine is about.
Sure, I don?t enjoy a non-aggressive game merely as much as a tense action-game in a tournament myself, but as razor said, for you who prefer spectacular action, watch prac games instead.
I actually find at least miltons style quite fun to watch with decent aiming, good nonscript movement, good dm4/aerowalk-tactics and a nice balance between aggressive and non-aggressive gameplay.
I?m hoping for milton, but if xamp wins, then I think he?s a worthy winner.

Friday 08 Aug 2003, 19:35
this gunna be another 500 comment demo? good , so let me add some more fuel to the fire , i fkn rpe nwbs k , i just rpe them 2ez4tv , xamp paradoks milton , any nwb that defies my will , will be shown how ez i rpe nwbs k , jesus christ , any nwb got a beef , 1v1. any nwb , think that they can take me? 1v1. any nwb that thinks they can fuck with hgc alltogether ? 1v1. ANY NWB THAT THINKS THEY ARE PRETTIER THEN ME , 1v1. i fucksgjdlajsoas0asju0oihfds ISTUFDASGASJAS OI FUCKING RPOE US STFU
Friday 08 Aug 2003, 23:40
haha $$$$$$ dvs
Saturday 09 Aug 2003, 03:00
Poster #52: What a lame ass comment.

Apokalypze (you're gonna have to forgive me for not typing the capital letters, but it's too fuckin' complex): Agree with you, Milton's style is nice and fun to watch; seriously hope he kicks some butt.
Saturday 09 Aug 2003, 06:13
what sort of mouse does xamp use?
Saturday 09 Aug 2003, 10:37
ken, shut the fuck up. fkn respect dvs k.
Saturday 09 Aug 2003, 11:18
swift: Devious abuses the usage of "abbreviations"; it looks very un-elite. :)
Saturday 09 Aug 2003, 11:40
wtf nwb , ill show you abuse , 1v1 nwb , let me put on the lollerskatez and show you how its done k , mx $$$
Saturday 09 Aug 2003, 11:41
paradoks or xamp are lucky they didnt have to play scenic this round , or i think it would have been a little 2ez k
Saturday 09 Aug 2003, 12:21
I'll tell you a secret: You're not funny.
Saturday 09 Aug 2003, 13:02
nwbs done way2ez k, ken PLS STFU AND GET ANOTHER JOB, instead of SUCKING UP TO PLAYERS mmmK
Saturday 09 Aug 2003, 14:28
go back to cpma deviclausfagasaurus
Sunday 10 Aug 2003, 08:38
comment nr 60: agreed
Monday 11 Aug 2003, 01:21
Why did Dare left the tournament ?
He definalety seemed in shape in the beginning of duelmania 3.
Tuesday 12 Aug 2003, 01:20
why reppie played and beat a good player and left ;/ that sucked. he shouldnt have eliminate insane if he was gonna be gone after that.
Tuesday 12 Aug 2003, 08:29
Would've gotten owned by XalibuR anyways. :P I'd have loved to see that match btw.
Tuesday 12 Aug 2003, 19:19
insane&reppie both left for holiday after that game so it didn't really matter.. i don't think it was a serious game because of that.
Thursday 14 Aug 2003, 12:16
xhrl: timber vs reload on dm2 @ TGI was one of the funniest moments of the tourney ffs :>
Timber (who was very well known, Schroet Kommando etc)had said that he'd change his nick if reload beat him on dm2 - he got one frag (I think) at start and then hid.Best of all is when reload finally finds him (fullbrights weren't used in tourney) and owns his ass. Because of that loss, timber had to change nick to Bl4de because of his big mouth :>

Defensive games can be a real bore, but actually I hate to watch "fun" games even more. When there's nothing at stake, qw becomes just another mechanical repetition of reflex shots and moves. No nerve ...

Imo - duelmania3 finals lacked flair, but why that is I don't really know.

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