Arena (POVDMM4)
3 minutes, Deathmatch 4
Wed 25 May 2005 on Splatterfest Duel 1
ping pl frags name Kills Deaths
25 0 22 [Mz]Adr3N4l1n 23 14
25 0 12 horsti 12 23
31 0 spec k!dd!e 0 0
25 0 spec olo 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Frag Streak 3 [Mz]Adr3N4l1n
Thursday 26 May 2005, 10:06
How impressive...wait, no its not.

It would have been impressive if you had picked a player who is playing qw for more than 3 weeks. It would have been impressive if you had played shaft only, and it had also been impressive if you hadnt played with the simple intention to get the highest lg percentage possible.

You must have a real poor life to push your self confidence with this.

try playing real opponents next time

your little friend
Thursday 26 May 2005, 14:54
yes please, fuck me hard.
Thursday 26 May 2005, 23:26
u missed alot too ;<
Sunday 29 May 2005, 00:32
Tuesday 31 May 2005, 04:44
yawn who keeps posting my demos? gay
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