Duel (DM6)
_ ParadokS
Rating: 4.5 (48 votes)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3
Sun 16 May 2004 on Icon of Pain :: Duel #1
ping pl frags name Kills Deaths RA GA
26 0 32 del 33 11 18 5
27 0 5 • ParadokS 9 41 8 13
90 0 spec telly 0 0 0 0
26 1 spec l3m 0 0 0 0
28 0 spec gaycam 0 0 0 0
12 0 spec dk•ru 2-2 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Frag Streak 12 del
Spawn Fragger 1 • ParadokS, del
Sunday 16 May 2004, 16:38
a Phils must not download whatever crap demo B<
Sunday 16 May 2004, 16:39
Sunday 16 May 2004, 16:48
though one might be tempted to say this is a 'how-to' demo of playing para on dm6, I think there are number of things that weigh against such an assertion.

1. i would want to see para pounded like this 3 or 4 times consecutively to show that these tactics, not the spawns, are the reason for this lop-sided score.

2. In this demo para just starts rushing to say hello to del:) Also para misses some easy, 'gimme-type' rocketshots. this a sign of not being sharp or focussed or not serious.

3. para's avoidance tactics on dm6 are barely used here. not sure if this was a serious game or just for fun, but i would guess the latter.

del covers the spawns well, but he doesn't have to work terribly hard to find para, as para for most part spawns very close to del.

I saw a game between jogi and def where jogi had all the spawns on dm6 going his way to such an extent def was probably thinking the spawns were rigged. This demo isn't as brutual as 'the_jogi_grip' I saw about a year or so ago, but it does bear a certain resemblance.

at bottom this is a surprising whooping by del. It makes me glad to be reminded that even players of para's ability can get the feeling of futility that I get almost 80% of the time:)

Sunday 16 May 2004, 16:57
This is so ghey to post a demo where I lose.. Everyone knows I win 99 out of 100 against this fool so dont post this crap ffs
Sunday 16 May 2004, 17:26
i wish chtv and nqr had a login before ppl could post
Sunday 16 May 2004, 17:45

para's 5th frag at the last few seconds, is how i would expect para to react to the *first* few seconds...


it appears that this game was indeed serious, a qwwc game by the looks of the speclist, although it looked like dk was leading russia so maybe para thought it wouldnt matter if he tried

it was not the spawns, but para being defeated mentally very early on for some reason, and reducing the game to just rushing and being severely out-aimed (with both pinging 20's)... no tactics.

for an awesome dm6 game where it is all tactics and focus, see the insane/gamer qwwc dm6 in the PL-FI matchup (you can download it at qwwc.quakeworld.nu/demos )... maybe someone could even upload it here
Sunday 16 May 2004, 20:49
this was RU 1 DK 2 game, para had a chance to close them out. I would say it was a rather serious game. He lost and RU came back for the victory with a nice effort by slam on dm2. ggs both.
Monday 17 May 2004, 04:05
Paradoks, u're must be a stupid n00b 2 post this...
Monday 17 May 2004, 04:50
Yeah paradoks, u r realy n00b 2 post so stupid things.
Monday 17 May 2004, 05:03
Para. i didn't post this demo and didn't ask to post it. And i think call someone "fool" and ets for nothing is too stupid imho.
Monday 17 May 2004, 05:09
Any lamer can post comments with nick ParadokS.
Monday 17 May 2004, 05:47
Russia will win da Championship. Paradox suxx, like fukking noob. Stay home Para - u r gay
Monday 17 May 2004, 05:54
Russia go-go-go
Monday 17 May 2004, 06:01
i wear a dress made out of gopher skins.


Monday 17 May 2004, 06:09
gg, seems like paradoks isnt taking duels serious anymore. Or is it perhaps his new bad connection.
Monday 17 May 2004, 06:26
I haven't posted any of the above comments - and I won't be commenting anymore in this thread.
Monday 17 May 2004, 06:28
gogo russia
Monday 17 May 2004, 06:31
gg Del!!!
Monday 17 May 2004, 06:40
this is the real paradoks and I want to say that I love you all.
Monday 17 May 2004, 06:42
ahahahaha :) but seriously :).... login system would be really nice :) (with authentication on irc or something but nevermind)


so funny to see the "russia ebashit" type of comments

karoche shtimpi, vi vse otsi eto v natyre, no ochnites, vam shvedi/finni popku pricheshut v takie kosichki shto samim targladitoobraznim popuasam v avstralii ne snilos v strashneishih koshmarah.

delitel ti kryt :)
Monday 17 May 2004, 07:08
Hahah omg paradoks were raped so fuckin hard.
Do u have some skill or what?
Monday 17 May 2004, 08:16
Najs! Russia good job. Netherland next? =)
Monday 17 May 2004, 09:20
Come on guys this is not funny anymore , posting with someone elses nickname is just not done. It really upsets me, stop this madness now please i cant take this crap anymore. if this continues i will stop playing quake and move on to curling
Monday 17 May 2004, 10:16
Wow! stupid posts cam make Paradox stop playin? =)
Monday 17 May 2004, 10:35
para its not the comments fault ur ez
Monday 17 May 2004, 12:49
Well done my russian comrades! GL against Holland!

//Ukraine, Hef.
Monday 17 May 2004, 15:19
2 phil(#20):
ahahaha phil u pwnz! 5 ballov! ;D
Monday 17 May 2004, 15:35
Check out my newest rhyme:

Is this demo HOT?
I think it is NOT!
Monday 17 May 2004, 16:37
4-th message
NetRange: -
City: Amsterdam
Country: NL

16-th message
inetnum: -
descr: TDC BB-ADSL users
country: DK

Ehhh :)
2Para: last minute was nice :)
2del: spb rule :)
Monday 17 May 2004, 20:04
Tuesday 18 May 2004, 01:38
eboshit'! :)
Tuesday 18 May 2004, 02:20
i wish to set the giant dogs upon you fiends. My favourite giant dog is called rusty. He is the colour red. His hobbies include barking and eating at Burger King. His favourite meal is the whopper.

woof!! woof!!!
Tuesday 18 May 2004, 07:05
a na huya?
really fucking shit
Tuesday 18 May 2004, 08:06
Para is very out of shape. He will always be a good contender playing 1on1 just because he's naturally good, but all QWers know that just like in every sport, staying a high level requires practise.. and apparently Para isn't getting any (whatever the reasons are, maybe he doesn't want to, maybe no time, whatever). But because of his style, and as I said earlier, his natural skills, he'll always be good to watch, and could produce a good demo any day of the week.
Tuesday 18 May 2004, 09:27
Hes not in bad shape , he knows exactly how to play tacticly , maybe he just got bored with that cs stuff etc B<
Tuesday 18 May 2004, 09:36
nah.. everybody has gotten much better and para hasn't.. that's why he suck! :< para is history!
Tuesday 18 May 2004, 10:08
I can think of three reasons why this happened:

1) what insane said
2) para trying2create an image of sr being underdogs in nqrfinal
3) the russian dood was just2godlike/awesome
Tuesday 18 May 2004, 11:12
L O L @ 2)
Tuesday 18 May 2004, 11:26
Yea i think its 3)
Russian d00d played well
Tuesday 18 May 2004, 14:16
its 3)
del's performance was totally off omg
Tuesday 18 May 2004, 14:56
it sure as hell wasnt #3
Tuesday 18 May 2004, 17:32
You fools say SR is the underdog for NQr final? FFS I will show you guys....I will give you a hard penis in the final with my hard techniques
Wednesday 19 May 2004, 15:16
Del - rulezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
Wednesday 19 May 2004, 16:10
#42 - somebody kill this turd
Wednesday 19 May 2004, 21:58
#42 was actually funny. Retarded, but funny! :)
Sunday 23 May 2004, 19:09

the barking dogs that shoot bees from their mouths will return. They will shoot bees at people and rule the world. They will carve a fortress out of a large cactus and call it cactinium. I will be there, as the gimp. I will be brought out and spanked, because i CAN.
now.............. HIT ME WITH YOUR RHYTHM STICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday 24 May 2004, 09:03
>I will give you a hard penis in the final with my hard techniques
Tuesday 25 May 2004, 10:10
i like to fart in my hand and then give it a smell...
Wednesday 23 Jun 2004, 23:23
kamy the ultimate qw king
the day hagge getts to say "para is history" is probably the day he dies... haha, shape up hagge... u suck man =o(
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