Rating: 5.0 (8 votes)
20 minutes, Deathmatch 1, Teamplay 2
Wed 10 May 2006 on WarGamez.dk #48 QW Allround
low avg high team total players RA YA Quad
24 35 52 ]sr[ 223 4 52 51 12
25 32 38 cmf 162 4 46 65 8
ping pl frags team name Kills TKs Deaths RA YA QUAD
24 0 79 ]sr[ • ParadokS 85 4 30 20 10 6
26 0 56 ]sr[ • murdoc 63 3 69 10 16 3
25 0 50 cmf jus 51 0 57 13 18 0
25 1 49 cmf fix 53 1 63 12 16 4
52 0 45 ]sr[ • insane 49 2 35 11 16 2
35 0 43 ]sr[ • Dragon 48 2 61 11 9 1
38 0 34 cmf fifi 38 1 74 10 24 3
38 1 29 cmf angua 29 0 67 11 7 1
93 0 spectator endpoint•SR•CMF 0 0 0 0 0 0
52 3 spectator blz->quake.msk.ru 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 1 spectator manu•cam 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 spectator jOn 0 0 0 0 0 0
51 0 spectator gaz•uk120 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 1 spectator Xerial•iopCAM 0 0 0 0 0 0
46 0 spectator ascendence.biz:28000-de 0 0 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 73.8 • ParadokS
Frag Streak 46 • ParadokS
Quad Runner 9 • ParadokS
Spawn Fragger 10 • ParadokS
Unluckiest Spawner 11 jus
Wednesday 10 May 2006, 21:52
doesnt have the commentary :(

i aint downloading until u got mp3s and qwzs in ther :D:D:D
Thursday 11 May 2006, 02:53
i couldnt believe what happened during murdoc's last quadrun. infkncredible
Thursday 11 May 2006, 02:53
on the first dm3 that is. damnit doublepost :|
Thursday 11 May 2006, 03:09
hehe thanx, it sure was some good games btw last map was dm3, post only showes dm
Thursday 11 May 2006, 08:49
murdoc > ronaldinho :D

Thursday 11 May 2006, 11:07
clark zomgix
autotracks with commentary plx :|
Thursday 11 May 2006, 12:30
autotracks with commentary will hopefully get uploaded tonight... mr gaz will just have to edit/compress the commentaries. We'll see if he has time.
Thursday 11 May 2006, 17:58
clark zomix
Friday 12 May 2006, 06:44
where is upload commentary ?
Friday 12 May 2006, 15:50
dm3 was frikin cool close game or wa?
Friday 12 May 2006, 17:46
clark zomix
http://quakeworld.nu/forum/viewtopic.php?id=720 thanxz gaz!
Saturday 13 May 2006, 14:12
Nice games! B>
Monday 15 May 2006, 14:55
Why are some games so laggy for CMF?
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