Team Deathmatch (DM3)
  • 4K^aki
  • 4K^keyser
  • 4K^sae
  • 4K^Serox
  • 4K^sPLIf
  • ananas
  • fix
  • mel
  • vana
Rating: 5.0 (4 votes)
20 minutes, Deathmatch 1, Teamplay 2
Sun 28 September 2003 on Splatterfest Team 1
low avg high team total players RA YA Quad Pent Ring
48 58 68 qand 235 4 36 23 18 2 3
0 36 56 4k 34 5 9 22 2 2 1
ping pl frags team name Kills TKs Deaths RA YA QUAD PENT RING
68 0 71 qand fix 73 1 14 11 4 4 1 1
54 1 63 qand mel 65 2 2 10 7 4 0 0
48 2 59 qand vana 63 1 12 9 6 8 1 0
58 1 42 qand ananas 44 2 16 6 6 2 0 2
56 0 11 4k 4K^sPLIf 11 0 79 2 8 0 1 1
40 1 10 4k 4K^keyser 10 0 47 2 4 0 1 0
0 0 6 4k 4K^Serox 6 0 34 2 2 1 0 0
54 1 5 4k 4K^sae 6 0 67 3 5 1 0 0
29 1 2 4k 4K^aki 3 0 22 0 3 0 0 0
55 0 spectator fifi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
80 0 spectator juha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 1 spectator blixem 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 1 spectator dindin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 96.9 mel
Frag Streak 61 mel
Quad Runner 6 fix, mel
Spawn Fragger 8 vana
Unluckiest Spawner 11 4K^sPLIf
Monday 29 Sep 2003, 05:35
gg serox :(
Monday 29 Sep 2003, 06:36
yes sorry i was not ready for the game. i felt really ill and went to bed. score would not had been any better for 4k if i stayed
Monday 29 Sep 2003, 15:54
serox is still my uk dm4 hero!

nice game
Monday 29 Sep 2003, 18:58
AWESOME demo from fix pov! It's hard to explain how damn good he really is on this map. IMO he's definitely the #1 teamplayer out there.
Wednesday 01 Oct 2003, 07:47
#4 hehe.

#3. cheers
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