Rating: 4.0 (8 votes)
20 minutes, Deathmatch 1, Teamplay 2
Sun 24 October 2004 on Icon of Pain :: Team #5
low avg high team total players RA YA Quad Pent Ring
13 23 27 gtg 209 4 35 24 17 3 3
13 23 28 ]sr[ 138 4 20 29 3 1 1
ping pl frags team name Kills TKs Deaths RA YA QUAD PENT RING
25 0 75 gtg griffin 81 4 19 15 4 11 3 0
27 0 57 gtg dakoth 60 1 44 7 2 5 0 1
25 0 46 ]sr[ • ParadokS 49 2 62 7 5 1 1 0
25 1 44 gtg mrlame 49 5 45 5 15 1 0 0
13 2 35 ]sr[ • circle 38 1 42 4 9 1 0 0
13 0 33 gtg niclas 34 0 55 8 3 0 0 2
25 0 31 ]sr[ • Goljat 35 1 74 5 10 0 0 1
28 0 26 ]sr[ • crazymac 29 1 62 4 5 1 0 0
32 0 spectator digit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
93 1 spectator sr•gtg•cam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 spectator gtg•sr•cam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 0 spectator striker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 0 spectator johan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 0 spectator Alko 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 81.5 griffin
Frag Streak 31 griffin
Quad Runner 7 griffin
Spawn Fragger 5 mrlame
Unluckiest Spawner 5 niclas
Sunday 24 Oct 2004, 17:02
shit maps
Sunday 24 Oct 2004, 17:06
yea, agreed. the only map worth spectating was e1m2 :/

hope we wont see cmt3/cmt4 as deciders in the nqr7 final..
Sunday 24 Oct 2004, 17:07
good maps boring to play just tb3.
Sunday 24 Oct 2004, 17:08
omg. so hot!

gg both
Sunday 24 Oct 2004, 17:11
Super aggressive play from both teams! It's been a while since I enjoyed a live match this much!!
Sunday 24 Oct 2004, 17:50
tb3 > cmt

the polls show.

Monday 25 Oct 2004, 05:13
phil stfu, go get some skill b4 opening your mouth, fkn idiot
Monday 25 Oct 2004, 17:21
is the order of the games...: e1m2, cmt4, cmt3?
or cmt4, e1m2, cmt3?
Tuesday 26 Oct 2004, 00:57
cmt4, e1m2, cmt3
Saturday 13 Nov 2004, 12:36
snake pussy, fight me kid

i'll kill you
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