  • [KoI]•qloOn•
  • [KoI]•rage
  • [KoI]•vinnie•
  • [koi]•weqo
Rating: 4.0 (2 votes)
20 minutes, Deathmatch 3, Teamplay 419
low avg high team total players RA YA GA Quad Pent
28 38 42 blue 825 4 16 84 15 16 3
27 36 47 red 184 4 32 44 13 4 1
ping pl frags team name Kills Deaths RA YA GA QUAD PENT
39 3 230 blue space 39 24 1 18 6 2 0
28 2 205 blue dag 48 22 3 22 5 4 0
39 3 198 blue diamond 27 11 7 15 2 7 3
42 2 192 blue GaTo 42 21 5 29 2 3 0
27 2 56 red [KoI]•qloOn• 21 52 6 10 2 1 0
28 2 48 red [KoI]•rage 17 33 13 10 3 1 0
47 4 42 red [koi]•weqo 18 45 6 6 5 1 1
38 3 38 red [KoI]•vinnie• 14 42 7 18 3 1 0
26 3 spectator zilv 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
39 3 spectator cam@dqm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
36 4 spectator cav 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
55 2 spectator shining 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
45 2 spectator Creature 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
130 2 spectator BLooD_DoG(D_P) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 2 spectator [Hell]•Wilen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
56 3 spectator kerbo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 94.7 diamond
Frag Streak 19 GaTo
Quad Runner 3 dag, GaTo
Spawn Fragger 3 dag, GaTo
Unluckiest Spawner 4 [KoI]•qloOn•
Wednesday 02 Mar 2005, 14:43
ps you can fastforward to minute 6 in ctf2m1... from that moment we start to resist a little:)
Before that moment we only had like 20 points
Wednesday 02 Mar 2005, 23:20
cool demos!
Thursday 03 Mar 2005, 01:48
gg rage ;)
Thursday 03 Mar 2005, 11:52
who plays in KoI? any qw dmplayers? :)
Thursday 03 Mar 2005, 12:55
Hagge: As far as I know i'm the only dm player, but i've only played one NQR season so far with nQo in div5 last season. This year were playing in div4.
Vinnie joined a div5 clan, but is totally new to tdm, just as I was a few months ago.
I don't know much about weqo tho since he only just joined and is the only non-dutch player.
Were just a bunch of semiactive-ctf players =)
Friday 04 Mar 2005, 18:45
really fun demos to watch! space is incredible imo :)
Friday 04 Mar 2005, 19:06
really fun demos to watch! space is incredible imo :)
Sunday 06 Mar 2005, 22:15
add more ctf demos..
Monday 07 Mar 2005, 05:54
I only upload games we played. Other clans should decide for themselves to upload them.

Tonight were gonna play the decider vs vvv and I think were gonna play dqm aswell so I will up the demos of those games.
Friday 18 Mar 2005, 13:41
not that I mind waiting, rage ... it's just the cobwebs tickling inside my nose...

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