Duel (DM2)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3, Teamplay 2
Mon 04 July 2005 on OFQSP | Kteams | Fremont
low avg high team total players RA YA
64 64 64 10 1 12 4
67 68 67 kill 5 1 14 4
ping pl frags team name Kills Deaths RA YA
64 3 10 seize 12 11 12 4
67 0 5 kill ldawg 7 16 14 4
208 0 spectator pg 0 0 0 0
79 0 spectator blahblah 0 0 0 0
106 1 spectator boss KovaaK 0 0 0 0
93 0 spectator def 0 0 0 0
74 0 spectator sajanchoo 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 52.6 seize
Frag Streak 6 seize
Thursday 07 Jul 2005, 17:41
HOT!HOT!HOT! demo pack. ldawg moves like griffin and sieze is a monster on dm6. MUST DOWNLOAD
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