  • bRONinG
  • Eta-bETa
  • hAGGe/gaymap
  • jOn
  • ananas
  • fix
  • henri
  • mel
Rating: 4.8 (10 votes)
20 minutes, Deathmatch 1, Teamplay 2
Tue 14 October 2003 on Bredbandsbolaget Team #4
low avg high team total players RA YA Quad Pent
23 36 57 qand 186 4 24 30 14 1
15 24 28 camp 126 4 30 21 6 3
ping pl frags team name Kills TKs Deaths RA YA QUAD PENT
57 0 71 qand fix 79 6 30 7 10 8 1
30 0 41 qand ananas 46 1 43 5 3 2 0
31 1 41 qand mel 41 0 33 4 8 3 0
28 0 37 camp bRONinG 44 4 57 7 4 1 2
15 1 34 camp jOn 39 3 47 5 8 1 1
23 0 33 qand henri 35 1 52 8 9 1 0
26 0 33 camp hAGGe/gaymap 37 2 51 12 3 1 0
26 0 22 camp Eta-bETa 24 0 67 6 6 3 0
21 1 spectator • Gamer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31 0 spectator muunisti 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
46 0 spectator fifi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 0 spectator siv 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 0 spectator sassacam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 0 spectator fires 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 0 spectator hixo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 71.7 fix
Frag Streak 28 fix
Quad Runner 5 fix
Spawn Fragger 6 fix
Unluckiest Spawner 5 Eta-bETa
Tuesday 14 Oct 2003, 17:31
things to look for in these demos:

- jOn's first pent at dm3
- fix, enough said
Tuesday 14 Oct 2003, 17:42
things to look for in these demos:

- none
Tuesday 14 Oct 2003, 18:42
things to look for in hagge:

- small penis
Tuesday 14 Oct 2003, 19:14

The game that mad CB quit QW!

Tuesday 14 Oct 2003, 19:15
eh... MADE

Wednesday 15 Oct 2003, 02:40
ehh they quit?? i thought hagge was one of the rare guys who encourage people to stick with qw even if they get owned on a daily basis :/
Wednesday 15 Oct 2003, 05:01
is hagge free now? Slebe is now playing in ds, we need a new player (mascot :), so hagge yes or no? I know you have got many offers from other top clan leaders especially from fifi.
Wednesday 15 Oct 2003, 07:20
Qand could also be intrested..
Wednesday 15 Oct 2003, 07:36
campbusters r over and out!
Wednesday 15 Oct 2003, 10:44
Wednesday 15 Oct 2003, 11:20
:> One of the not-so-few things you'll learn when you grow up. Be Critical to sources. Please, there are lots of newbies asking questions about why we've quit etc. :\ They don't know the irony in the qw players. B(

Of course we haven't quit the game. We'll never quit. You will most likely see Me, Hagge and Broning play in the same clan (campbusters) even when we're 89 with no teeth sitting there screaming on the top of our old lungs while our young hot wives are waiting in bed after a tough game there as well. Even though we're just playing bots when everyone's quit, we'll have loads of fun.

QW is the shitnez. So stfu and start playing.

Just beware of the Haxxor sassa. Now they have invite only at #haxx0rs_irc. Perhaps they get tipped about a new bug in the new version of IRC and start the HAXXORSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Over and out.
Wednesday 15 Oct 2003, 11:27
:> One of the not-so-few things you'll learn when you grow up. Be Critical to sources. Please, there are lots of newbies asking questions about why we've quit etc. :\ They don't know the irony in the qw players. B(

Of course we haven't quit the game. We'll never quit. You will most likely see Me, Hagge and Broning play in the same clan (campbusters) even when we're 89 with no teeth sitting there screaming on the top of our old lungs while our young hot wives are waiting in bed after a tough game there as well. Even though we're just playing bots when everyone's quit, we'll have loads of fun.

QW is the shitnez. So stfu and start playing.

Just beware of the Haxxor sassa. Now they have invite only at #haxx0rs_irc. Perhaps they get tipped about a new bug in the new version of IRC and start the HAXXORSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Over and out.
Wednesday 15 Oct 2003, 11:28
stupid double posting reload shit B( sorry. But it was important shit after all. B)
Wednesday 15 Oct 2003, 14:32
yea newbies like fifi and gol :<<
Wednesday 15 Oct 2003, 17:00
lol eta :)
Thursday 16 Oct 2003, 09:38
Omg eta-beta :) Funniest post of month :(
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