  • • circle
  • • crazymac
  • ParadokS
  • • Xerial
  • Milton
  • regg[SSC]
  • ski[SSC]
  • slaughter[SSC]
Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)
20 minutes, Deathmatch 1, Teamplay 2
Sun 17 October 2004 on Icon of Pain :: Team #4
low avg high team total players RA YA Quad Pent
12 21 31 ]sr[ 266 4 19 47 14 4
12 26 38 ssc 64 4 36 3 6 0
ping pl frags team name Kills TKs Deaths RA YA QUAD PENT
31 0 73 ]sr[ • crazymac 74 0 25 7 9 2 1
26 0 72 ]sr[ • ParadokS 73 0 23 4 12 3 2
12 0 64 ]sr[ • circle 65 1 25 4 10 4 0
12 0 57 ]sr[ • Xerial 59 1 13 4 16 5 1
25 0 18 ssc milton[SSC] 23 2 56 13 2 1 0
25 0 18 ssc slaughter[SSC] 22 0 77 5 1 1 0
12 0 17 ssc ski[SSC] 21 1 73 5 0 1 0
38 0 11 ssc regg[SSC] 14 1 92 13 0 3 0
25 0 spectator captain_morgan[SSC] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 0 spectator ice[SSC] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 0 spectator Z•NQR•SSC-SR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 0 spectator ung 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 0 spectator rude 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
36 0 spectator fnu•sassa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
35 0 spectator floe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 82.6 • Xerial
Frag Streak 30 • crazymac, • Xerial
Quad Runner 9 • crazymac, • ParadokS
Spawn Fragger 11 • ParadokS
Unluckiest Spawner 16 regg[SSC]
Sunday 17 Oct 2004, 16:43
The Hotness
Best part about this is in RA of dm3 about 14 minutes in when para tells circle to bore, circle does and para leaves :)
Sunday 17 Oct 2004, 16:53
you dont question the leader! :)
Sunday 17 Oct 2004, 18:13
Sunday 17 Oct 2004, 20:40
why do that for para?
Sunday 17 Oct 2004, 23:39
everybody in SR is like a body in matrix powerplant

and para is that robot thing which unplugs the bodies and flushes them into toilet :)
Monday 18 Oct 2004, 00:23
i dont get the point of that bore though.. circ still got top effi :)

and then around 17:40 para leave an rl pack that ssc later picks up and kills some sr with
Monday 18 Oct 2004, 00:54
para try to take my role in the game :), btw watch paradoks penta when he met the enemy ring, he is too scared to shoot first, i have yelled few times to para about team ring kills :)
Monday 18 Oct 2004, 01:12
about cirlces bore:
circle had 0/13 in status, easy to bore and come get pack, instead of being sniped at SNG going for health. He bored, spawned and said "coming from ra tunnel", so I went to Quad, when I was there he got shot by milton. Mistakenly I thought quad was coming few seconds after I left RA, but it took a bit longer =(
Monday 18 Oct 2004, 02:19
lol skill, why bore ju cuz you got 0/13
just pick ra and go get health.
Monday 18 Oct 2004, 02:37
well RA wouldn't come for another 25 sec, great risc of being boomsticked by some enemy sneaking to ra
Monday 18 Oct 2004, 02:49
i hope that was a joke.
Monday 18 Oct 2004, 03:31
"RA wouldn't come for another 25 sec"
armor spawn time is 20 secs i hope ;)
Monday 18 Oct 2004, 04:15
you get killed by one bomstick shot with 13h.. why bore snake??
Monday 18 Oct 2004, 04:15
Monday 18 Oct 2004, 04:44
Monday 18 Oct 2004, 07:07
Monday 18 Oct 2004, 08:37
Always fun to see that some people have difficulties understanding what teamplay is about and have troubles with a situation like this :)
Monday 18 Oct 2004, 10:34
it's all about luck anyway!!! :<
Monday 18 Oct 2004, 16:37
about sr luck ;D
Monday 18 Oct 2004, 22:57
leaving that pack was risky, but i can understand the rationale. knowing my luck i'd have taken the pack and found away to give it up :/

Tuesday 19 Oct 2004, 09:18
The Hotness
I wasn't questioning the bore... I think it was a good move. That being said I found it funny how circle went back to RA to get his pack thinking para would be there protecting it and it was swarming with SSC's. I could just imagine his frustration. :)
Wednesday 20 Oct 2004, 15:04
Bad timing from me, and imo misunderstanding in teamplay. I expected him to bore right away, in which case i would have gotten ra, and he would have spawned faster and got the pack before ssc attack. Those seconds of hesitation, and me thinking quad was just about to spawn led to him getting mowed down at ra before reaching pack, and me standing stacked at Quad :)
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