  • expociia•poff
  • Huli_Man
  • sat0r
  • spiro•poff
  • anni
  • clnd
  • massa
  • purity
Rating: 4.8 (8 votes)
20 minutes, Deathmatch 1, Teamplay 2
Sun 12 October 2003 on Splatterfest Team 2
low avg high team total players RA YA Quad
15 38 63 sTa 156 4 52 51 6
39 62 84 poff 125 4 34 62 14
ping pl frags team name Kills TKs Deaths RA YA QUAD
15 0 57 sTa purity 62 1 34 15 16 4
39 0 49 poff Huli_Man 52 1 61 9 21 4
47 0 40 sTa massa 42 0 41 14 8 0
63 0 36 sTa clnd 41 0 49 11 12 1
60 0 34 poff spiro•poff 40 3 28 9 13 4
64 7 24 poff sat0r 31 1 70 8 16 2
26 0 23 sTa anni 32 2 56 12 15 1
84 10 18 poff expociia•poff 22 0 46 8 12 4
66 0 spectator unnamed 0 0 0 0 0 0
52 1 spectator quesus 0 0 0 0 0 0
54 0 spectator Poff•Ownage•CAM 0 0 0 0 0 0
78 0 spectator tao 0 0 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 65.5 purity
Frag Streak 28 purity
Quad Runner 6 Huli_Man, purity
Spawn Fragger 8 massa, purity
Unluckiest Spawner 9 sat0r
Monday 13 Oct 2003, 00:13
Gigea ionut
Hi there,
Tell me please how can i join this game, I`m from Romania, and I`m very intersting about this game and about the possibility to win some money!
Monday 13 Oct 2003, 08:11
You cannot win money in QW, otherwise www.fuhquake.net and www.quakeworld.nu are a good start.
Friday 17 Oct 2003, 19:23
oh my, how did this end up here? :)

nqr div 7 action at its best... erm. or not.
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