They've set the maxfps to 100000000000 or similar, instead of the standard 77. Not hard to gain high lg-percentage then. Poor shaft here since they miss every 2nd cell.
Wednesday 28 May 2003, 09:02
you gotta be a fucking moron to say thats poor shaft (or that even maxfps has anything to do with it)
Wednesday 28 May 2003, 09:08
Of course the fps has something to do with it. As you can see they both have 8 ms ping. Thats because of their high fpssetting.
With 77 fps (~12 ms) they would have 30-35 % lg at tops.
Wednesday 28 May 2003, 10:47
hes right :E
Wednesday 28 May 2003, 12:37
Thursday 29 May 2003, 00:54
ah, so with 13 ping he wouldnt be able to do that? i think he would. sure, the server is not original qwsv -- which was limited to 72fps (1000ms/72frames = 13ms latency) -- but that is still some serious shaft skills
Thursday 29 May 2003, 01:34
Lets see what will happend if the enemy can aim also and move..
this is for those who thinks that over 40% lg is good vs noobies..
Thursday 29 May 2003, 04:52
Can you say spawn rape? =)
Thursday 29 May 2003, 05:19
Thursday 29 May 2003, 06:54
well with the shafts only u lost about the same way..
Thursday 29 May 2003, 07:43
nice champ :D
Thursday 29 May 2003, 14:04
hehe.. the few times ive seen 40-50 shaft (def, dag, jon, this guy) it was *always* vs a newb, who cant dodge
on the other hand, this frangen guy also got 20%'s shaft which is pretty good (a true newb wouldnt get 15%, especially vs 50%)
all in all its gg :)
Friday 30 May 2003, 01:18
are u saying that 20% lg eff with 214124124fps is pretty good? :)