2vs2 (HEAD)
  • ninja bob
  • player
  • BLooD_DoG(D_P)
  • phase1
Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3, Teamplay 2
Fri 07 July 2006 on UKUSA KTX Milwaukee
low avg high team total players YA GA Quad
41 46 49 blue 728 2 31 1 4
71 84 95 red 375 2 33 0 6
ping pl frags team name Kills TKs Deaths YA GA QUAD
41 0 394 blue player 39 3 33 19 1 1
49 0 334 blue ninja bob 36 1 47 12 0 3
71 0 212 red BLooD_DoG(D_P) 45 2 47 22 0 6
95 0 163 red phase1 29 3 40 11 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 92.5 player
Frag Streak 15 player
Quad Runner 8 player
Spawn Fragger 7 BLooD_DoG(D_P), phase1
Unluckiest Spawner 8 player
Saturday 08 Jul 2006, 07:03
'Tis always nice to see some fresh CTF demos, but more than forward CTF action I'd appreciate some good tactical CTF action.
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