Team Deathmatch (DM2)
  • brasil•dig
  • brasil•zip
  • brazil•marcao
  • sfirrinha
  • usadef
  • usanyana
  • usaskit
  • usaward
Rating: 0.0 (0 votes)
20 minutes, Deathmatch 1, Teamplay 2
Wed 06 April 2005 on QW-KTeam Pro 1.66 #1
low avg high team total players RA YA Quad
158 174 197 usa 183 4 33 66 17
39 66 98 br 114 4 59 45 3
ping pl frags team name Kills TKs Deaths RA YA QUAD
158 2 54 usa usaward 58 2 26 7 14 3
170 2 50 usa usadef 59 6 37 14 11 12
170 0 41 usa usaskit 50 5 35 5 22 2
98 0 39 br brasil•dig 43 1 48 13 12 0
197 0 38 usa usanyana 42 2 53 7 19 0
39 0 37 br brasil•zip 40 1 53 11 16 2
41 0 23 br sfirrinha 25 0 61 20 10 0
85 0 15 br brazil•marcao 20 3 66 15 7 1
188 6 spectator usastifu 0 0 0 0 0 0
428 16 spectator piere 0 0 0 0 0 0
351 2 spectator named 0 0 0 0 0 0
203 0 spectator Artew 0 0 0 0 0 0
110 0 spectator brasil.Dilbert 0 0 0 0 0 0
164 0 spectator mr. wu 0 0 0 0 0 0
236 0 spectator pinion 0 0 0 0 0 0
202 0 spectator player 0 0 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 69.2 usaward
Frag Streak 21 usaward
Quad Runner 6 usadef
Spawn Fragger 6 usaward
Unluckiest Spawner 8 brazil•marcao
Wednesday 06 Apr 2005, 22:00
oh no dude ! ffa match ???? weak teams. no no no no , only zip and def know how play quake. bad bad bad
Wednesday 06 Apr 2005, 22:18

the usa team of def skit jackal and slik is top-notch! and so is the brazil team because it does a very good job of matching up vs the usa team.. especially DM3 (MUST DOWNLOAD)

the only thing that bothers me is the fact of the considerable emnity that def and slik have had in the past... and so i can't help but smell a tiny bit of aliasing... (def would know full well who ward is)...
Wednesday 06 Apr 2005, 22:18
btw that was me :o
Wednesday 06 Apr 2005, 22:39
fde moment 7:45 skit pov
Wednesday 06 Apr 2005, 22:45
i rpe nwbs
Wednesday 06 Apr 2005, 22:45
kK da o cu
Wednesday 06 Apr 2005, 22:46
zip pov 11:05 aha this is a gold mine
Wednesday 06 Apr 2005, 22:54
ward has some hot moves in the 10'th and 11'th minutes, including two lessons on discharging ;)
Wednesday 06 Apr 2005, 23:37
gg -= (
ward i love u too aoieuauieauieap =*
the usa team is not weak =/ brasil yes =/
Thursday 07 Apr 2005, 01:38
How come USA had so bad pings? They have better pings in EU and there's even an ocean between the continents.
Thursday 07 Apr 2005, 02:48
Europe is closer to the united states than Brazil is .... that is why the ping is not as good as to europe..
Thursday 07 Apr 2005, 03:25
well that depends on where in the US you live :>
Thursday 07 Apr 2005, 10:04
sure hagge. these guys just are from alaska :E
Thursday 07 Apr 2005, 13:54
US has to go around Central America because they are poor and cannot afford two cups and a string for internet connectivity.
Thursday 07 Apr 2005, 16:18
? importante salientar que o Curintia comprou
o golerinho do Cianorte, e isso ? feio, muito
feio. Momento trite na hisotria do futebol.
Mas faze o q? Argentino ? tudo assim...

Felizmento o TRICOLOR ainda domina!!!

Huh? Hein? era falar sobre quake?
Thursday 07 Apr 2005, 23:03
Friday 08 Apr 2005, 08:23
Friday 08 Apr 2005, 20:40
yeah hag !!!!!!!!!! your laugh is sexy !!!
Saturday 09 Apr 2005, 11:36
Saturday 09 Apr 2005, 18:57
Even I with all my skills, if I had faced this brazilian team, would be beaten up like a dog...
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