Rating: 3.0 (4 votes)
20 minutes, Deathmatch 1, Teamplay 2
Thu 10 March 2005 on Peliportti QW DM Team A
low avg high team total players RA YA Quad
15 30 41 cmf 203 4 35 65 17
26 81 99 koff 91 4 55 39 3
ping pl frags team name Kills TKs Deaths RA YA QUAD
41 0 66 cmf fix 73 3 36 9 10 7
28 0 54 cmf Zhin 58 3 26 9 15 6
15 0 53 cmf jus 53 0 23 7 15 0
97 2 32 koff eh 34 1 60 13 9 1
35 1 30 cmf fifi 48 5 59 10 25 4
99 2 20 koff Gamer 24 2 66 9 13 0
26 0 20 koff Scenic 24 0 59 18 8 1
99 3 19 koff jukka 25 2 69 15 9 1
13 0 spectator mindgod 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 0 spectator bLeach 0 0 0 0 0 0
224 0 spectator diab 0 0 0 0 0 0
36 0 spectator jester 0 0 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 69.7 jus
Frag Streak 26 fix
Quad Runner 11 fix
Spawn Fragger 21 jus
Unluckiest Spawner 16 eh
Friday 11 Mar 2005, 04:06
no excuse to play with these pings in an official match
Friday 11 Mar 2005, 07:29
nate: they play on a lan for perfect mm3 but have only modem conn to the internet.. :(
Friday 11 Mar 2005, 08:30
dm3, pov:fix, 2 minutes to end, RL water ;)
Friday 11 Mar 2005, 09:55
ye i saw that too, was fun :) and just before that he puted a nice planned grenade from rl right into someone from ya->window, so a nice little sequence there :)
Friday 11 Mar 2005, 14:05
put, not puted :)

but niceeeee games regardless of ping
Friday 11 Mar 2005, 16:36
fix = $$$
gamer = $$$
gg :}
Friday 11 Mar 2005, 17:15
zomg! the water massacre is fde worth :O H!O!T!
Friday 11 Mar 2005, 18:30
nice, not niceeeee
Saturday 12 Mar 2005, 15:08
im unfamiliar with this story: whytf did gamer leave sr in the first place? :|
Saturday 12 Mar 2005, 15:55
"im unfamiliar with this story: whytf did gamer leave sr in the first place? :|

That's the second question. The FIRST question is: Why did Gamer JOIN Sr in the first place? :)
Saturday 12 Mar 2005, 18:08
KOFF would have had a geniune chance of winning this one with equal pings. Real shame :L
Sunday 13 Mar 2005, 01:58
maybe he meant putted like in golf
Sunday 13 Mar 2005, 16:58
Monday 14 Mar 2005, 06:12
u all suck cock
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